My DVD drive is KIA


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Well, well, well...Its a few months after my garrantee expiry date for my DVD, and to no surprise, it gets F*cked. It feels like I've tried everything. Uninstalled drivers, installed drivers. Check troubleshooting, carry out trouble shooting. As a matter of fact I've carried everything out including external visual checks of the drive but to no avail.

The problem started when the garantee ran out. It stopped playing DVD films (It blamed a audio driver problem, even though it was alright). A couple of months ago, it would not read CD's or DVD's until about the fifth time. But now, I get a few LED flashes then nothing (You can't even here the drive revving up)

I'm not connected to the internet or any network, and the only programs that I install onto it are games, so I'm ruling out virus problems. most likely there is a fault internally

If anybody could give me some advice, I would appreciate.
Maybe the manufacturers timed the device to stop working when the guarantee ran out, so you'd have to go and buy another.
Pobz said:
Maybe the manufacturers timed the device to stop working when the guarantee ran out, so you'd have to go and buy another.

I had a laugh with my mum about this, because her washer went KIA about a week ago, and shes had it for about five years.

Bet you any money:
Devices older than 10 years are reliable
Devices younger than that are timed for destruction
if they did make it stop working after the guarentee ran out thats just not cool of them, seriously not cool :frown:
Same kinda problem, i've got a samsung SW-252F (quoting it all for easier searching ;)) and it's just borked up. Only had it 5 days and it's just stopped working. It's picked up in bios and in windows. When i put a disc in, the light flashes, i can hear scrapy sounds and then it stops. I go to explore the disc and nothing comes up.

Maybe the lens is dirty (but i dunno how its got so dirty that it can't work after 5 days) Any other suggestions?
oooo, scraping, thats not good. my samsung 240 is great, i have burned several spindles of cds no problems ever.

.. everyone check your waranties, save recipts, documentation is everything
i have a folder FILLed with this crap, you just never know!!
Off course, I could just spend £60 and get a DVD R/RW, might as well as I'm getting money for my birthday. You know what that means, spring-cleaning my computers old part