My exam schedule sucks


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Today I just had an exam for one of the hardest courses I've had, mechatronic control. It's all about transfer functions and system analysis. The rest of my schedule goes like this:
Friday - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Saturday - Industrial Engineering and Impact of Technology on Society (2 exams)
Monday - Intro to Biophysics (actually really hard course)
Tuesday - Manufacturing Processes
so? they're exams, what did you expect? imo the schedules could always be better.
My exam schedual is worse for just one class! They said we are learning in 1 month what every other college teaches in about 3 semesters of physics. Its ****ing shit.

This is a month long class, we have 3 tests, and 8 hours 2 times a week to learn everything. One test was last week, second was today, last is thursday

Test 1 was on:
Displacement, speed and velocity
Gravity, mass and weight
Newton's three laws
Law of Universal Gravitation
Linear Momentum
Energy (potential and kinetic)
Conservation of Energy
Frictional and Angular forces.
Phases, forms and Forces
Fluid Pressure
Archimedes' Principle

Test 2 was on:
Elements of the Periodic Table
Avogadro's Number
Pressures in liquids and gases
Pascal's Principle
Calories, BTU and Specific Heat
Transfer of heat
Weight and Mass density

God knows what next week is going to be like.

Our class average was about a 40% on the first test. We have only 3 tests, and they are the only thing we are graded on! Theres no quizzes, no homework grades, just these ****ing tests. Today's test should be better because almost the whole class came together and met up with an instructor before class started to go over the material and studied for 4 hours before the class. And the main teacher decided (after seeing people panicking , and two of the girls crying because of the pressure) to review for it an additional hour and a half before taking the test.

But seriously... every teacher I know says to study for a test like 5-7 days in advance for a test. We dont even learn the material until 48 hours before the test on it.

**** I hate this class. Its even worse because my class just happened to get Production Modeling at the same time... and thats the hardest class in the whole degree. An 80% fail rate for production modeling. 80 ****ING PERCENT! And we HAVE A ****ING MONTH LONG PHYSICS CRAM-FEST AT THE SAME TIME!

Jesus.... sorry... I just needed to blow off steam. Im so freaking stressed right now. I think I slept a total of 8 hours this whole week because of this shit. And have had NO TIME for anything else but school work and this post.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and in order to pass you need a 75% Final Grade. The grading scale is thus:

A: 95-100
B: 85-94
C: 75-84
F: 0-74

And so far in this school I have gotten 3 94% grades. Thats out of 7 classes. My lowest grade is an 85... and EVERY OTHER GRADE IS 90 OR HIGHER! So I have a 3.14 GPA, becuase I only have B grades and one A.

My exam schedual is worse for just one class! They said we are learning in 1 month what every other college teaches in about 3 semesters of physics. Its ****ing shit.

This is a month long class, we have 3 tests, and 8 hours 2 times a week to learn everything. One test was last week, second was today, last is thursday

Test 1 was on:
Displacement, speed and velocity
Gravity, mass and weight
Newton's three laws
Law of Universal Gravitation
Linear Momentum
Energy (potential and kinetic)
Conservation of Energy
Frictional and Angular forces.
Phases, forms and Forces
Fluid Pressure
Archimedes' Principle

Test 2 was on:
Elements of the Periodic Table
Avogadro's Number
Pressures in liquids and gases
Pascal's Principle
Calories, BTU and Specific Heat
Transfer of heat
Weight and Mass density

God knows what next week is going to be like.

Our class average was about a 40% on the first test. We have only 3 tests, and they are the only thing we are graded on! Theres no quizzes, no homework grades, just these ****ing tests. Today's test should be better because almost the whole class came together and met up with an instructor before class started to go over the material and studied for 4 hours before the class. And the main teacher decided (after seeing people panicking , and two of the girls crying because of the pressure) to review for it an additional hour and a half before taking the test.

But seriously... every teacher I know says to study for a test like 5-7 days in advance for a test. We dont even learn the material until 48 hours before the test on it.

**** I hate this class. Its even worse because my class just happened to get Production Modeling at the same time... and thats the hardest class in the whole degree. An 80% fail rate for production modeling. 80 ****ING PERCENT! And we HAVE A ****ING MONTH LONG PHYSICS CRAM-FEST AT THE SAME TIME!

Jesus.... sorry... I just needed to blow off steam. Im so freaking stressed right now. I think I slept a total of 8 hours this whole week because of this shit. And have had NO TIME for anything else but school work and this post.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and in order to pass you need a 75% Final Grade. The grading scale is thus:

A: 95-100
B: 85-94
C: 75-84
F: 0-74

And so far in this school I have gotten 3 94% grades. Thats out of 7 classes. My lowest grade is an 85... and EVERY OTHER GRADE IS 90 OR HIGHER! So I have a 3.14 GPA, becuase I only have B grades and one A.


study study study all night until your brain sops out of your ears

Dan what are you tryng to become an astronaut?
If his brain sops out of his ears how the hell does he do the test? With his brain in a jar?
Monday seems like the hardest subject.

btw Krynn you're in college right? :O
My exam schedule is pretty bad next week. It doesn't help that I'm taking 5 chemical engineering classes along with physical chemistry with a professor that makes everything much more difficult than it should be. Or that I had two exams and two big papers due this past week.

Wednesday -- Numerical Methods and Transport Phenomena
Thursday -- Technology/Environment
Friday -- Statistics
Saturday -- Pchem

So numerical isn't that bad.. it's just using a bunch of different methods to estimate solutions that are difficult to solve for the exact answer, and writing Matlab programs.

Transport phenomena... we set up differential equations and shell balances to explain heat transfer by conduction and convection (temperature profiles in the material... rate of heat flow..), and fluid mechanics (velocity profile, volumetric flow, shear stress if you have fluid flowing between plates or in a tube), and macroscopic balances (mass/force/energy), and diffusion (mass flux... concentration profiles...)

Technology/environment class... there's air quality modeling (Gaussian dispersion of pollutants coming out of the stack of a power plant, Eulerian modeling, photochemical modeling for ozone formation), and multimedia modeling (throw some pollutant out into a box model, where does it partition to, how long does it stay there, how much is transferred out by reaction and advection... basically one giant mass balance on the system), and life cycle assessment (like for comparing products like paper vs plastic bags, by looking at inputs of energy and material & outputs of waste throughout the lifespan of the product)

Statistics is easy. Pchem would've been easy if my professor wasn't so horrible.

Dan: What's your Impact of Technology on Society class about? Just wondering.
Impact of Technology on Society is sort of like your technology/environment class. It's not very scientific though. A bit of life cycle analysis, footprint analysis. The main topic is sustainability and running out of oil in the future. Transport Phenomena sounds a like like intro to fluid mech and thermal dynamics. My 2nd toughest class is the intro to biophys. It's basically about diffusion, physics at a high reynolds number (or is that low?) in a thermal bath, and the actual mechanistic physics behind entropy.
I have a Manufacturing Processes exam in January. It's okay if I fail it as I re-take it in the Summer, but I want to pass it, get it out the way and revise for other Design exams come Summer.

I really dislike Manufacturing Processes, though. My Monday period 4 is Processing Theory and it is horrid. Actually, no it's not, it's taught in quite a fun way and it's very helpful, it's just horrid because I can never remember stuff, regardless of notes and diagrams.