My first CS game ever


Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
I joined a game on a Swedish server playing only fy_maps. Round starts, I get some kind of shotgun on the ground, run up a hill, see Counter-Terrorists in the distance. Shoot two shots. Kill both. Headshots.

Then I'm banned for hacking.

If it doesn't appear through the way I said it in this thread, I didn't hack.

Last time I loaded up CS:S, the admin had put god and noclip on himself and was knifing people. Haven't played it again since.

Yes because you know, CS 1.6 doesn't have any retards playing it unlike CSS!!111!
There are one or two servers like that on SourceForts

Oh god yeah, I remember how all admins came on one team and let the pubbers be on the other, hen raised the blocklimit extremely high and built the biggest fort you can imagine - then they changed the round, all became invincible and spammed our spawn with happy fun balls.

Damn admins.

Last time I loaded up CS:S, the admin had put god and noclip on himself and was knifing people. Haven't played it again since.


lol 1.6 is better because you had a bad time on one server in css?
Stop... playing... CSAHTAIWTGQTJQWTL.

I cry every day I wake up and not read that that game is dead.
It's funny when admins kick or temp ban after they die a few times from a well placed shot. But like with any MP game...find a good server that you will want to keep going back to.
Stop... playing... CSAHTAIWTGQTJQWTL.

I cry every day I wake up and not read that that game is dead.
Best get some more sleep.
Welcome to the world of CS.

A pretty fun game, surrounded by pure idiots. That's why I almost exclusively play this with friends or at a LAN.
I play on pretty much just one's mad fun, great people....just great.
Play on ISP hosted servers that offer a system to submit cheat reports. Admins are over-rated.
Made me LOL. I'm glad I've never had an experience like that online (Then again, I'm probably not good enough to be considered to be cheating)
I suck too much at most games to ever get accused of hacking, especially CS. Although, I once got accused of hacking playing HL2:DM. I think I was pretty much owning everyone on the entire that time. I'm apparently pretty good at that, although I swear its just because everyone else is terrible at it.
I think its the stuipdity of most CSS players, if someone is good - they hack, if they're bad - a noob or n00b.

Just a bad culture...
The best CSS servers are UKCS, fair and nice admins and strict and maintained rules, and you dont get kicked for hacking for being good.
I was accused of hacking in Halo pc once. People never seem to learn to aim the gun at the HEAD...
I joined a game on a Swedish server playing only fy_maps. Round starts, I get some kind of shotgun on the ground, run up a hill, see Counter-Terrorists in the distance. Shoot two shots. Kill both. Headshots.

Then I'm banned for hacking.

If it doesn't appear through the way I said it in this thread, I didn't hack.

:laugh::laugh: I haven't ever played any version of CS, however I've been playing regularly for the past month FEAR Combat and boy can some people be idiots. I've been accused of hacking on multiple occasions and banned or kicked off servers, and no I haven't cheated even once. Once I got kicked from a server and then came back LOL:E.