My first human head...


Jul 31, 2003
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This is my first attempt to move out of inanimate objects and on to something more challenging...

I'm not going to show a detailed view until I've got the rest of the head and the neck done so I can adjust the proportions more easily (though, I can already see some things that will need to be fixed). Until then, here's a little shot (that doesn't reveal very much) of the current state of the model.

If it turns out well I'll make a body for him.

EDIT: The smoothing groups on the eyebrows look a little funky, the upper lip may be too long, and is that nose a bit large?
I gotta admnit when i first saw the thread title i thought that you had completed some cannibalistic ritual by eating your first head or something...

Anyways i think its too blocky.
The shadow in that shot makes the nose look even bigger than it already is (but I made it smaller and turned it upward slightly). I've been busy doing school stuff today so I haven't done much more.

I'm going to wait until I have the shape of the head right before I start doing the optimizing and cleaning up. I'm just posting this render on here to see if I'm missing some big proportion errors (that tends to happen when you stare at your work too long). So, there's no need to point out that I'm wasting polygons... just the big stuff.
Pull the nose towards the head a tad bit more, it still protrudes a bit much IMHO.
that looks great for a first face model, except there are loads of polys on the cheeks, and not enough on the nose. the jaw seems to stick out too much. on my face ( maybe its just my ugly mug ) the sides of my mouth are quite flush with the bottoms of my cheeks. also, im not sure about the chin, i think it should go back further. about the nose, maybe its a tad large, and it has no chape on the bridge of the nose ?? the shape around the eyes looks wrong, the sockects, too sharp of a incline, try smoothing that out i think.

i think those scentences are quite disjointed, but i think you get the idea.
Looks good, mainly ditto-ing random..

BTW what does IMHO mean? I know IMO but what's the H?
In my humble opinion.

Now I want to know what IIRC means...
If i recal correctly i think it means if i recal correctly.
Well, it's nice. It's just the look of it makes him look stoned.
Far better than I could do.

I remember my first human head. My fellow tribe members helped me hunt the bloke down. Those heads are well attached, you know. Damn guy wouldn't stop wiggling even after it came off. [commercial break] Now, here's one I prepared earlier...