My first real drawing (Warning, ecchi material!)

May 18, 2003
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I tried to draw a picture of the oh-so-cute Chii from Chobits. Its a bit ecchi, but i think you can handle it :)

Sorry for the quality, i dont have a scanner so i took my camera instead. I hope you can see alittle :)

Also, worth to mention. I used a picture for reference, so its not 100% mine.

C&C please :)
For a first drawing, that kicks quite a bit of ass.

Hard to tell much because of the fact that it's a photo, and not a scan, but everything looks good.
As far as I can see, the lines could stand to be much darker, but that's the only big crit.
Are you planning to colour and/or shade it?
Sorry, can't edit my first post (and i dont want to wake the others :))

Anyways, heres the same drawing but with better contrast:

Mechagodzilla: Didnt see your post before i posted this, so ill answer you here instead.

First of all, thanks :)

I made the second pic alittle darker so you can see better.

I havent got any plans to colour it... since i dont know how to do it yet :)
With this better pic, I just noticed that her left hand is much smaller than the right.

Edit: actually, both her hand's fingers look quite a bit shorter than normal. I don't know if that's an aspect of the character or not, but it's noticable.
wow first drawing!?!??!?!!? awesome, well, besides the hand problem but thats changable!
Hands are always hard to do. Need some more practice there. I might draw a new pic just because of all the nice comments :)

Very, very nice, did you do this from your head or had some kind of reference?

If you like drawing in general, I suggest you practice drawing real, anatomically correct humans first (nude). It will help you to understand where all the main “bumps” in the body are. Also suggest you to get book called How to Draw the Human Figure, by Louise Gordon. When you gasp that, anime style will be so much easier for you, plus you will be able to draw hands and feet very good. Don’t worry about it though, many professionals have a lot of problems with hands, because they never bothered to study from anatomy books or master drawings.
Mr.Reak said:
Very, very nice, did you do this from your head or had some kind of reference?

If you like drawing in general, I suggest you practice drawing real, anatomically correct humans first (nude). It will help you to understand where all the main “bumps” in the body are. Also suggest you to get book called How to Draw the Human Figure, by Louise Gordon. When you gasp that, anime style will be so much easier for you, plus you will be able to draw hands and feet very good. Don’t worry about it though, many professionals have a lot of problems with hands, because they never bothered to study from anatomy books or master drawings.

I think i said i had a picture as reference in the first post. Im not good enough to do it right from my head yet. :)

Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it.
When I draw the body never look right to me. I guess I'll have to take a look at some of those books, Anyways when I draw the pictures look like crap so I trash em anyway.

It's a very nice picture of Chii. I want you to draw more just for me :).
To draw, you have to know the theory. Perspective, proportions, anatomy etc.
You might know the feeling that you got something great inside your head but you can't put it on paper, well its because you don't know the theory behind art. Spend days and days drawing fruit to get and eye for composition and learning how to draw from life. Go tot the zoo for example and draw the animals there, and take life drawing classes drawing nude models. Everyone can learn how to draw, the only question is how bad you want it.
buaaahh her face got too long :eek:


Cool Chii u did there :)
I found ur ref pic... and ur hands look right :thumbs:
Like you said I get some bad ass stuff in my head but I can't draw it :p. Trust me I've tried.
No they're my hentai sites. No really, I'm the webmaster.
HOW did iguess it would be manga...?

anyway, thats really good ;) dont make your first drawing your last :p
Im going away for some time today... but im sure ill have a new one ready later today.
I wish I could draw like that :( It's kind of strange, actually. A lot of people in my family are very artistic, but I'm no match for any of them :)
people tellme that I am very good drawing
but I never try to draw something in anime, and I suck drawing people
so thats a good anime pic
<RJMC> said:
people tellme that I am very good drawing
but I never try to draw something in anime, and I suck drawing people
so thats a good anime pic

Where's that clay statue of me you said you were making?
Pressure said:
Where's my new picture?

I have it here in front of me, been too lazy to clean it up and upload it. Its not as good as the first one though (IMHO). I think i can upload it today :)
Do someone from a different anime :p. Anyone would be fine.
Very good. Lines are kinda the same in the entire drawing though, maybe darkening them a little would improve it even more. :)
Would you care if I inked and CG'd this? I'll send you the result and we'll call it a collaboration.

Nice drawing.

Maybe I should just PM you.