My First Steam Screw Up.


Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, I recently disabled the Steam Community/Friends thing loading up at start up, as it's a bit of a hog for my not-too-flash computer. Now, upon re-openage of Steam, I get a nice little error box telling me that (after updating) there's a module error, FriendsUI.dll could not be loaded.

I'm hoping that a re-install will fix this, but does anyone else have any ideas? Seems like a major flaw that ticking a box Steam -gives- you to tick will cause a major screw up.

So, I now understand why people have issues with Steam.

When you open Steam, does it give you the error right away and does it make Steam close/crash? Can you go back and sign up for the Community beta again?

Earlier I was able to unsubscribe to the Steam Community Beta and re-subscribe with no issue. Not sure why you your friendsUI.dll errored out.
Uh, while it's connecting to my account it errors, and closes down. Which means that when I open it up again I need to re-update, which sucks because I'm nearly reaching my cap for download.
So what happens after it crashes and after it starts to re-update?
That does suck about your download cap.
It errors out again. Basically it's a giant circle of broken. Well, my month ends tomorrow, so I guess I'll get a new copy of Steam then...
More or delete friends.dll? Restart PC?

Might have to reinstall steam. Not sure what caused you to get that error though.
Actually, what about deleting the .blob files? I've heard that can fix quite a few problems with Steam... But I'm not sure deleting something that looks important is going to be that good. D:
You can delete everything but the Steam.exe in your Steam folder and Steam will redownload everything for you, just FYI.
No I just had this problem too. Instead of freaking out I deleted that blob file and they fixed it anyways.