My first thought when I saw this screenshot


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Bearing in mind I had no idea about Left 4 Dead, I saw this screenshot...


And I thought, wow, this is a game where you might get about 4 "armed guards" who have to contain zombies in a facility, but the zombies break free. The players who play the part of the guards have to try and kill every last zombie to contain the infection. As a player playing the part of the zombie, the challenge is obviously staying alive and perhaps getting out of the compound to be declared victorious... or it is a case of last man standing is the winner. All zombies dead = guards are the winners.

Would be designed for 32-64 player servers with 4 people being the guards and all the others being zombies. Playing the role of the guard would operate on a rotation where everyone has a go at playing the guard, then they go to the back of the queue. Although someone could skip to the front of the queue if they are the last zombie standing and be the guard in the next game!

I was kind of disappointed when I realized the game would be the way it was, but none the less, I'm still very excited about it.
Great game. The way it is.

But good idea anyway.
Make a mod of that right there go on I dare ya.

I really want L4D... So bad.
I was being sarcastic because I originally thought it was in the HL section. But uhm, it would be neat for something like zombie panic?

not left 4 dead though
The concept wouldn't work, because everybody would want to be the guards.
Is every gamer really that shallow?
Hell yeah. What do you think your regular FPS player wants to do:

A. Be a survivor and shoot zombies
B. Be a zombie and get shot

It's that simple. Everybody would just leave and you'll have two zombies against your six survivors. That's why you need an AI director coordinating the zombies, and then as an extra you can have the possibility to play as a zombie. Left4Dead definately did the right thing.
I guess I am a little more sophisticated that most people then :cool: