My first video - Barack Obama: Broken Promises...Comments, Feedback, Criticisms?

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Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
I know there is a video section but since this is a political video I figured I'd post it here. This is pretty much the first video I have ever done, used corel video studio pro (demo). Turns out video editting is much harder than it seems:

Feedback would be appreciated.
Not bad for this kind of video. One thing I always think is stupid for people who make these kinds of videos is that they never post sources. I never take youtube political commentators seriously because almost always they're just mouthing off baseless opinions on things they don't have any actual information on besides what they hear on the news channels. I think in the video's description you should paste each claim you make in the video separately, with links to sources with the information you're referring to in that specific claim. Then put a note in the video at the beginning point people to those links, since youtube will auto-hide the video information and most people probably wont notice it otherwise.
That's a good point, I spent so much time on the video itself I got a bit lazy once it came time to post it. I'll see if I can go back and add that in there over the weekend.