My first weapon model


Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
This is my first weapons model, I made it cause everyone in canada always asks for a C7/C8..

I meshed it and made a skin but I honestly think it looks better without one,, I'm a modelling/skinning noob..

anyways tell me what you guys think I should do to improve


Yeah the notches in the clip look lil too deep and its too thin other then that, first model thats a damn fine one.. and I have seen allot of peoples first models least this one doesnt make me laugh.
I really agree on the rifle clip, I thought it was too boxy at first so I tried a poly smooth , but it ended looking pretty crappy

I'll try again
that is really good for you8r first model. Keep it up :D
exellent model for your first attempt. The gun on the whol is too thin, and the magzine, a spointed out, needs work. If you wanted this to be an ingame model, you probelry need many fewer sides on your curved object; how many tris is it?
The hand grip really needs smoothing. Other than that it's very, very good for your first model.
on the picture the bumps in the magazine are supposed to go out, they are not indents. It seems high poly but its better than other first models.
it is quite high poly and since then I've added more detail I think that model in particular was somewhere between 8000-9000 but is probably more like 110000 (seriously!).. I plan to try to make a normal map with it over a low poly version (currently 1800 poly but not done yet) I'm working on... Once the HL2 version of XSI comes out....

as for the clip, I didn't even realise the clip's indents were coming outward,, from now on I'm modelling with more reference art than a low poly side view image :E