My FPS Game: Black Moon


Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
I've been using a program called Silent Walk FPS Creator, and so far this is my best game. You are in a facility (bear with me, it's pretty generic) and you must get out. Try to survive along the way.

There isn't much in terms of AI, only fighting AI. I'm pretty new to this too, and I don't think the program is capable of making in-game talking sequences. The next version will have triggers, so I will be able to use those.

Anyway, there's a link to the first game (it's a series, Black Moon 2 is coming soon) on my webpage:

Please download and play (It's only about 100 MB) and please tell me what you think.

Before you play, please take into consideration that even I know that the textures and models are very LOW quality, and that sometimes there are glitches.
Some advice, post pics to get some click and possible even tits.
Hey let me download a file from some guy I dont know who says its a game but provides no proof. I'm sure thats perfectly safe and not A VIRUS.
my gaems has bad grafx and ai but u shud paly it neways lol it fun
Or nobody reported it. Filefront doesnt check every file themselves. And we didnt ask for a link, we asked for screenshots or something tangible to see if we should bother downloading it or not.
You guys are actually being dicks a little, c'mon.

As for Leon: We need pics, a video or something first, we won't just download some game that some guy told us to download, we need proof it's a game. I'd happily try your game if I seen some pics or a video.
I downloaded it. The AI have wallhack aimbots though.
Good on you for having a go at making something, which is a lot more than most people would even think of doing. Just ignore those people who put you down.
I'm not putting him down. I'm just acting goofy and trying to act like Homsar. AT THE SAME TIME
I'm putting him down for not doing things properly. Shizam!
Some people on here are real knobs, don't listen to them, and thanks for sharing.
Of course it is, it's just people on here being arses because they don't get any shots before they download it.

Don't you go visiting my intentions. Don't you ever.

I shall be a ginea pig for you all.

Downloading now.

(might snap a few screenies)
Thanks for the support, Vectyre and stemot.

Please snap a few screenshots, might help my cause.
. . .

okay just to be honest. this game is broken.

I literally walked into the first room and was gunned down by a bot which i could neither hear nor see.

Between not being able to hear any gunfire do to some weird design quirk and the bots having pixel perfect aim and reflex i literally could not get through even the first ROOM.

i think it needs some fixing before having anyone play it tbh.

But keep on keepin on. I'm curious to see what becomes of this.