My friends very amusing Computer-Science project :D


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
They are programming in basic, this required him to write over 250 lines of code :D, it's simple but they are beginners in a high-school computers class. Anyways this gave me a good laugh so I hope y'all like it. Halarious Little DOS program :D Again not a polished masterpiece just a first stab at programming :) and I find it quite amusing, so dont be too critical, he knows what he needs to work on and dosent need the flaws pointed out. His teacher and fellow students can do that :p

give him some props on his aim: fuzzyorange25

if you like it, dont spam or harass him please.
ahhh shite sorry forgot they're was a programming forum now. Move away.
I think the coding forum is for Source related stuff.
This is fine here.
that's some funny stuff. props to your friend.
Holy crap, what was that?

My computer did not like it, started giving me a warning beep, wouldn't stop even after I shut the program down, and I had to manually reboot.
I thought it was a virus at first. Christ my ears hurt ><'
It's just a simple dos proggy written in basic, it is not a virus at all I promise. It shows Usher run around and beeps to the tune of his music.
lol, that takes me back to my QBasic days....
we11er said:
lol, that takes me back to my QBasic days....

hope it didn't scare you lol :D but yeah that's what i'm sure joyce will say too (joyce is a comp nerd who is kind-of like my second mom)
Meh we don't get to do that in year 10 at my school. All we do is copy and paste VB code. I know VB has some very good uses and i've allready doen everything I want to do with VB it aint helping.

Kyo said:
Meh we don't get to do that in year 10 at my school. All we do is copy and paste VB code. I know VB has some very good uses and i've allready doen everything I want to do with VB it aint helping.


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