My "Future of Shepard" Theory


Shake Zula

If you would recall... the G-Man stated that he was going to "preserve" Shepard for a later time. I interperate this as "I am going to save you until I need your service". A resonable interperation, right? Assuming you agree with me so far, I believe that Shepard has many possiblities... here's three of my ideas:

1) One possibility will be that while serving the G-Man... Freeman comes face to face with a force too powerful to be handled alone, no matter how skilled he is... in this case, the G-Man may awaken Shepard to assist Freeman.

2) Another possibility is that Freeman turns against the G-Man for one reason or another, and to stop him, the G-Man unleashes one of Freeman's only equals: Shepard.

3) The final possibility is that there will be another story/expansion for Shepard.

Tell me what you guys think... it seems to be reasonable for me... if you have another theory about Shepard's fate, go ahead and post it :)
well... they'll probably take up sheperd again in HL3, i cant really see a Marine running around city 17, he could come back under the authority of the Administrator tho, thats if he's the guy in charge of the worlds armies remnants (sp?).
Maybe valve will forget Shepeard and concentrate on the other characters, Alyx, Barney etc.
I dont see an sequal to an expansion pack. I think Valve have the material to use new original characters (the obvious one being Alyx) to expand the Half-life universe. We may meet even more during HL2 for us to play as.
I've long believed that Shephard is the foil of Gordon. Gordon is far too unpredictable for the likes of the Admin or the G-Man. He was clearly manipulated from behind the scenes in HL, but I stongly suspect that direct orders are NOT an option for him.

That being said, I suspect that Shephard is being held as a kind of "insurance policy" against Gordon. The G-Man (or, perhaps, his "employers") are master manipulators...but I think that even they see the potential for unpredictable rebellion in Gordon Freeman. They need a counter to Freeman. In that role comes the only person that even came close to catching Gordon on his run through Black Mesa...Adrian Shephard.

Of course, there is still the possibility that my original theory on Shephard is correct...Adrian Shephard may be the original blueprint for the ultimate soldier...the Combine. Only time will tell, I suppose. All in all, I think Adrian will show up again at some point...whether that be in HL2 or 3, who knows...
Well, remember, the G-Man seemed just kind of.. sympathetic.. more than WANTING HIM NOW for a purpose.

He basically says he had to talk his employers into letting him even keep him alive, and he had to keep him secluded too. Wheras with Gordon they wanted to offer him a JOB and were highly impressed.
This sort of gave me the feeling that Gordon was specially selected for the Black Mesa Project Resonance Cascade (which is supported by his sudden transfer there. Any jackass could push in a crystal into a thingamajig) and Adrian just happened to survive and excel there. They wanted to test Gordon, but Adrian kind of came out of it as the Hulk Hogan of BMRF.
I think that there will eventually be an official expantion to Op4, but that will be awhile. He will probably join up with Gordon/Alyx's cause, at least i hope so. You may even see Adrian in HL2...Like, in OP4, where you see gordon jumping into the portal, just kinda hinting at it, ya know what i mean? Just guessing, though.

Could you imagine a conversation between Gordon and Adrian?

Gordon - :|
Adrian - :|

They would just stare at eachother :p
Maybe he'll be sent out against gordon, if Gordon turns against the G-Man, but he'll switch to Gordon's side at some point?
i dont want to see shepard, i didnt like opposing force, niether did i like race x. i would have enjoyed opposing force much more IF race X hadnt been there.

as for shepard i think he is locked away for good. The expansion packs will probably focus on Alyx and Barney, or to chuck in another character a resistance fighter.
The G-man said he'll take Shephard to a place where he can do no harm and no harm can come to him...

Now that I think about it, that sounds an awful lot like the situation of the poor citizens of City 17.
The combine keep them safe from aliens, but police them strictly.
I beleave he is going to be in hl2 because if you watch the "Psyche
" half-life 2 video, then I wiss see something green with milatary cap in there (also something blue with a cap) then that is probably him.

ok, I take that back, I didn't know what I was seeing there, probably the G-man and the admin.
I think most of there theories are too far-fetched. Valve has revealed very little of the plot, so it's altogether possible that we'll see Shephard. What Shephard will be doing there is not even worth speculating.
I sure hope that they'll be adding an extension for opforce... It was a great expansion.
I'm thinking that he says that (and i quote) "Rather than continually subject you to the irressistable human temptation of telling all, we have decided to convey you somwhere where you can cause no possible harm and no harm can come to you."

I'm thinkin that the G-man may have the (Slightly twisted) idea of putting Shephard in some form of Insane asylum. Who's gonna believe him there!?

But the whole Preservation thing i can't explain. Cryo perhaps.

Ahh a cryo tube in an insane mind.
Hasn't Valve said that there WILL be an OF2 and an BH2? And who would play the main character in OF2, of not Stepard?
my first post here

This may have to do more with freeman but it may also have something to do with shephard. I was listen to what the gman said to shephard, one line he said was "I have a fascination with those who survive aganist all odds, they rather remind of myself." Just thought I post this.
The_Monkey said:
Hasn't Valve said that there WILL be an OF2 and an BH2? And who would play the main character in OF2, of not Stepard?

To my knowledge Valve hasn't mentioned anything about sequels to expansion packs...Infact I don't recall a company ever doing that before.

Urbanebula said:
I'm thinking that he says that (and i quote) "Rather than continually subject you to the irressistable human temptation of telling all, we have decided to convey you somwhere where you can cause no possible harm and no harm can come to you."
I'm thinkin that the G-man may have the (Slightly twisted) idea of putting Shephard in some form of Insane asylum. Who's gonna believe him there!?

Isn't the fact that he leaves him floating in a osprey, in the void, not a good enough sign that he's out of the way and safe from temptations to tell all?

EvilFoxBat said:
This may have to do more with freeman but it may also have something to do with shephard. I was listen to what the gman said to shephard, one line he said was "I have a fascination with those who survive aganist all odds, they rather remind of myself." Just thought I post this.

Are you hinting that Gman is Gordon or Adrian? Bad, Evilfoxbat, bad!
The_Monkey said:
Hasn't Valve said that there WILL be an OF2 and an BH2? And who would play the main character in OF2, of not Stepard?
hay, maybe the life of a (roge?) combine warrior.
"Isn't the fact that he leaves him floating in a osprey, in the void, not a good enough sign that he's out of the way and safe from temptations to tell all?"

I should really replay things before posting theories
hmm opposingforce2 can also mean that you will be able to play a combine soldier, cos shepard has no cause to attack you anymore ! remember he was betrayaled by the government he wouldnt be so dumb to help them fighting gordon again ,i think he would join gordon
I've been thinking about Shepard too... Shepard never talks in OF. Would it be a bad idea to hear him talk? I dont want Gordon to talk neither should Shepard...
Barney Calhoun never talked in Blue Shift, either, but he does in HL2, because the main character from Blue Shift is a conglomeration and purification of all the Security Guard characters in the first game. Same goes for Shepherd, IMHO; he's a personification of the military forces in HL. Ergo, he could very well speak, like Barney, leaving Gordon as the only true non-speaker...

My thoughts, anyway...
Shephard, being the only surviving marine that we know of sent to BM, clearly has a role in the future. Expansion pack, I expect, or at least a cameo. Maybe he, like Gordon, is part of the G-Man's personal army, and is awakened when needed.
Even if Freeman did meet Sheppard we wouldn't know what he would look like cus he wears that damn gasmask all the time, he's even more mysterious than freeman. And in term's clothes he could wear a combine uniform. It would cover his face again. But is he your friend or as others have said, or the perfect rival?
That's another point, right there... Unlike Gordon and Barney, we have no real idea what Shepherd looks like... Even if you look at his multiplayer model, he's still got the gasmask on...
hah, i was just about to ask what he looked like aswell.

Anwho, if there is a OF2 in the making, it is likely that the player will be viewing from the combine perspective since they seem to be the main opposing force to Gordon in HL2.

I like the idea that the Combine are all clones.
Brian Damage said:
That's another point, right there... Unlike Gordon and Barney, we have no real idea what Shepherd looks like... Even if you look at his multiplayer model, he's still got the gasmask on...

Lets hope all will be revealed in the near future.
We prolly wont see him cause gearbox made that expansion and he was loosely connected to the main HL story unlike barney who was there the whole time.
i thought i had heard about Valve wanting to make the sequels too...we shall see, i hope.
Shepard is my favourite, we have almost the same name! we are conected!

I really hope to see him in HL2, woulden't be cool if you are surended and Shepard storms in with some marines to help you?
All I want is to see him once again. Op force was my favourite.
Brian Damage said:
Well, the Barney in HL2 is also a character from an expansion...

Barney was in a Valve expansion, so that is why we saw him.
Uh, Gearbox did Blue Shift and Opposing Force. So Barney is from a Gearbox expansion.
I like Shepard the most, i always likes the "enemies" the most, they kinda cool. Its always the "hero" that wins, so i think that just ONCE the enemy should win.
Shepard was also a marine, which is kinda cool too.......
I guess that Shepard and Gordon WONT meet, that would kinda spoil it, the closes they come to meet each other is like in HL, they just see a glimse of one and another.
Shepard will make it to the expansions or HL3.....
I do belive that Shepard will be in HL, and that they will make an expansion-pack, and, here Valve will know that it will be an expansion-pack, so they can put in Shepard in the original game(Half-Life 2).
I think that if they plan on including Shepard they should just put him in HL2, cause the only way he could be in a exp pack is if he was a combine, but that wouldn't make sense why G-man would have both sides of the war work for him.
Nah, just because he was part of the 'Opposing Force' last time doesn't mean he has to be this time. I mean, an expansion pack for Shepard could take place outside City 17, and/or be set at a different time. The G-man could have him working in City 16 for example :)
Dalamari said:
I think that if they plan on including Shepard they should just put him in HL2, cause the only way he could be in a exp pack is if he was a combine, but that wouldn't make sense why G-man would have both sides of the war work for him.

Acctaully it would make alot sence. I mean, he was involved with both the scientists and the military in HL1.