My hair annoys me


Nov 12, 2006
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When ever my hair starts to get long, it curls up at the side. This annoys me, and my mother calls them "cute."
How the f*ck do I make them go straight, without the use of hair straighteners?

Man, I didn't eat my crusts when I was younger.
Use straighteners and stop posting this crap.
Cut your hair, then you won't get penis-head hair
The solution is quite simple.

1 - Remove all hairs using pliers.

2 - Use gathered hairs to fashion a solid hair helmet. You may use a bowl as as the basis for this.

3 - Wear helmet. Walk into public place, hold it aloft, and shout:

"Curl up now, Bitch! you aint going ****ing nowhere"


tried combing it straight after a shower/bath? then let it dry. might make a difference.
When ever my hair starts to get long, it curls up at the side. This annoys me, and my mother calls them "cute."
How the f*ck do I make them go straight, without the use of hair straighteners?

Man, I didn't eat my crusts when I was younger.

My hair does the same, I just spend about half-hour a day in the morning after my shower straitening it out (while it's wet), it's all you can do. Only way to fix it is to get a haircut (which I also refuse to do). The next day it'll just curl back up anyways.. My front hair (that hang over my forehead) all curls to one side, now THATS annoying.. I fix it every 5 minutes so I look normal.. Why does hair do this? Why do people HAVE to get haircuts?

Also - I didn't, and still don't, eat my crusts.
My hair is barely growing on the top now, male pattern baldness has thinned it out so much, that's high levels of testosterone converting to DHT via 5-a-reductase for you.....
Okay my hair.... being a girl it is at LEAST 1/3 or my life (along with music and my man).

I have naturally ULTRA curly hair, I mean it SPIRALS.
I recently cut it off (just above my shoulders UGH) because I damaged it with color and my straightener (by HAI, amazingg.....) and I also washed it almost every day.

Now. MY sister and I are closer than air particles, and she happens to be a liscensed stylist.

Once I cut my hair off, she gave me a gift to get my hair healthy again, and to ensure it stays healthy once it grows back in. It's a straight && smooth system, by MATRIX products. Online ratings boost it up to about 4.5 stars out of 5, and damn I would give it a 6.

Not only does it smell perfect, it's cheap (well, to ME it's cheap because I know how much it's helped).

I have naturally thin hair, and naturally blonde (though I color it a lighter shade of blonde, then color the underside of my hair a burgandy color <3). I admit I have a scene/emo cut, just not to the extreme (as in black and pink all over). I wake up at 5 in the morning to start my hair process (definately should not take this long but I procrastinate by singing to myself in the mirror and various other lame activities...)

Oh wow. /rant.

Matrix. The whole system exists of
step 1) shampoo
step 2) smoothing treatment
step 3) conditioner
step 4) smoothing masque...

Then there is a whole line of after treatment products... like shine serums, hairsprays and gels, iron/heat guards.... I use the 4-step system and the heat guard (BIG SEXY HAIR is the hairspray for meeee)....


And also, do you wash your hair in the shower//bath EVERY day? Because that will dry out your hair and cause fluffy, frizzy hair. Don't do that. If you have REALLY oily hair, I would reccomend changing your shampoo or something, and wash your hair a LOT less. I mean, I go a week or so sometimes, to keep my color alive longer, and to give my hair MAJOR volume. That is where a nice smelling shampoo comes into order, and having the right products too... I've mastered my hair heh... <_< But really, if you dont color your hair, and you simply wash it, I would wash it every other day, or every two days. Twice a week is the best. You can get your hair wet, you know, just refrainnn from that shampoo.

And dont forget conditioners really help smooth it out.

Anyways. Those are the REAL basics, and that is DA SHIT.

Then again there are other products toooo! I know sleek look might be too girly for you men... (though I do know metalheads who would die without this stuff for their hair bahaha)... Matrix does caryy a more manly line, hehe -

I would definately reccomend MATRIX.

And if you're looking for something a little cheaper, SAMY or GARNIER FRUCTIS are greattt.
Why couldn`t you stay at /b/, that`s where you were meant to be.
As much a wonder is sometimes.. this thread makes me want to browse 4chan.

But yeh, my hair does the same /cry
Okay my hair.... being a girl it is at LEAST 1/3 or my life (along with music and my man).

I have naturally ULTRA curly hair, I mean it SPIRALS.
I recently cut it off (just above my shoulders UGH) because I damaged it with color and my straightener (by HAI, amazingg.....) and I also washed it almost every day.

Now. MY sister and I are closer than air particles, and she happens to be a liscensed stylist.

Once I cut my hair off, she gave me a gift to get my hair healthy again, and to ensure it stays healthy once it grows back in. It's a straight && smooth system, by MATRIX products. Online ratings boost it up to about 4.5 stars out of 5, and damn I would give it a 6.

Not only does it smell perfect, it's cheap (well, to ME it's cheap because I know how much it's helped).

I have naturally thin hair, and naturally blonde (though I color it a lighter shade of blonde, then color the underside of my hair a burgandy color <3). I admit I have a scene/emo cut, just not to the extreme (as in black and pink all over). I wake up at 5 in the morning to start my hair process (definately should not take this long but I procrastinate by singing to myself in the mirror and various other lame activities...)

Oh wow. /rant.

Matrix. The whole system exists of
step 1) shampoo
step 2) smoothing treatment
step 3) conditioner
step 4) smoothing masque...

Then there is a whole line of after treatment products... like shine serums, hairsprays and gels, iron/heat guards.... I use the 4-step system and the heat guard (BIG SEXY HAIR is the hairspray for meeee)....


And also, do you wash your hair in the shower//bath EVERY day? Because that will dry out your hair and cause fluffy, frizzy hair. Don't do that. If you have REALLY oily hair, I would reccomend changing your shampoo or something, and wash your hair a LOT less. I mean, I go a week or so sometimes, to keep my color alive longer, and to give my hair MAJOR volume. That is where a nice smelling shampoo comes into order, and having the right products too... I've mastered my hair heh... <_< But really, if you dont color your hair, and you simply wash it, I would wash it every other day, or every two days. Twice a week is the best. You can get your hair wet, you know, just refrainnn from that shampoo.

And dont forget conditioners really help smooth it out.

Anyways. Those are the REAL basics, and that is DA SHIT.

Then again there are other products toooo! I know sleek look might be too girly for you men... (though I do know metalheads who would die without this stuff for their hair bahaha)... Matrix does caryy a more manly line, hehe -

I would definately reccomend MATRIX.

And if you're looking for something a little cheaper, SAMY or GARNIER FRUCTIS are greattt.


My advice: get a damn haircut, its not like it never grows back.
I think that hapened to me too

my solutions? haircut and keeping it short
solution: grow a pair of testicles

same goes for carly.
that, or shut the hell up.
Cut it off, strip naked, graft it to your pubic hair, bend backwards and walk around like a crab pretending to be a midget Einstein.
Pic or it didn't happen

haha, cutting them sounds like the only option if you dont wanna do it the ghey way :p
just cut it u ****ing nob and stop making our life ****ing hell!
y the **** don't u want 2 use straightners u nob
When ever my hair starts to get long, it curls up at the side. This annoys me, and my mother calls them "cute."
How the f*ck do I make them go straight, without the use of hair straighteners?

Man, I didn't eat my crusts when I was younger.

Mine does the same shit. "Cow licks" what they are called in Nebraska :p

Yeah, it's annoying, and looks dorky.
Yeah, it's annoying, and looks dorky.
Mr. Grohl would beg to differ!


... Yeah, maybe not.
Maybe you're being too self-critical. At times I think my hair is perfect, and others it's like "OMG WHAT HAPPENED"

I think most times it's being too self-critical of myself. We all do it, but to varying degrees. My suggestion would be to get some opinions from people, and then maybe based on that...cut it shorter or leave it :D

How often would you have to get it cut to reduce the curls?

My hair grows really quickly, and it starts to look really different as it grows, in my opinion. Not to mention the angle you look at your hair from changes the way it looks too.
Less effective without the straighteners, but get some heat protecting stuff and use a hairdryer with a directing nozzle thingie, once your hair is damp, comb it out and then run the dryer on your hair to straighten it a bit. Be quick since it'll be quite hot on your skin.

Won't do a great job but it'll be straighter than normal, but I'd recommend straighteners too.