my INCOMPLETE unreal article


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Why Unreal is King

UT2K4 wont stop impressing me with its mod community, it seems at long last unreal tournament has taken the throne for the platform to be making third party modifications for. I’ve realized that what people say is true “If you build it, they will come” because that’s just what Epic did with Unreal Tournament 2004 and unreal script, and come they have; between amazing realistic detailed modifications like Red Orchestra and SAS: Into the Lions Den and shoot em’ ups like my personal favorite Frag-Ops. With continued developer support from Epic and the introduction of a million dollar “Make Something Unreal” contest it is no surprise at all that Unreal Tournament has made it self the mod king. Every time I visit Planet Unreal or Beyond Unreal I never fail to see another project surfacing revealing even cooler use of Unreal Script and the vast array of tools you can use with unreal technology. Epic never fails to give support to its beloved mod community; in fact they shine it like the bling around cliffe’s neck. With the release of the “Editors Choice” edition of ut2k4 which includes all the greatest contenders from every phase it is blatantly obvious that Epic takes pride in its ever growing mod community and amazing “total conversions” that have arisen using the tools they provided. I literally am having flashbacks of a newborn baby Half-Life that was nurtured from a young age until it became the modded beast it is today. I remember in Half-Life’s infancy only a couple of mods started off popular such as Team Fortress Classic and Counter-Strike Beta. My what a long way Valve has come, I wouldn’t be surprised if like Valve, Epic started hiring from it’s mod community, several professionals have been snatched up by pro’s (nearly half the Red Orchestra team!). I would like to conclude by saying if your are a thinking of starting a modification or are working on a mod consider Unreal, with it’s ever growing community and flexible c++ based script and code there is no better option in my mind.

negative/positive feedback would be awesome just be nice and keep in mind it's a work in progress
:) Good article. But sorry to say, I don't like Unreal Tournament or anything like those frag fest type games. But since the main idea is the modding capabilities Unreal had to offer, I can't say against that... maybe I need to start getting into modding, maybe it might spark a future career; I love computers and videogames.
It should be called why Unreal is Modding King.. atm anyway..hl2 could change things.
Good article.

You use big words here and there that don't really fit in however, like "blatantly obvious that Epic takes pride", and some expressions twice if not more, the expression "never fail to *something" for instance.

You need variation and contrast to keep the reader interested aswell, try not to just to stick a bunch of big words and sentences in everywhere and superlatives.

I'm eager to see the final article version, post it when you're done with it. :)

Oh, and don't forget the spaces. Peoples brains shut off when they see texts that big packed up together.
i think the Unreal 2k4 community is infact bigger (maybe not server numbers wise) but in over all community bigger then Half Life's. This will probly continue until a month or 2 after HL2 is released. Which isn't a bad thing Considering well Unreal 2k4 is an amazingly fun game.
OmegaBlue said:
i think the Unreal 2k4 community is infact bigger (maybe not server numbers wise) but in over all community bigger then Half Life's. This will probly continue until a month or 2 after HL2 is released. Which isn't a bad thing Considering well Unreal 2k4 is an amazingly fun game.

I don't think there's much of a "HL" community these days. It's mostly mods, CS being the biggest. Then you have NS, TS, etc..

Strictly Half-Life, I can't see it being very large. Sure, there are fans, but a community that actively plays HLDM? It's tiny in comparasion to UT2k4

So, yes, if you were speaking strictly HL, I agree. However, if you're talking about the HL and mods community, it's the biggest in the world, period (gaming wise.. for PC)
The truth is that the Unreal Community surrounding UT2K3 or UT2k4 is pretty small. Anytime you see +3000 players for UT2k4 on Gamespy, at least 1500-2000 of them are actually bots. UT2004 Onslaught has had a huge drop off in player numbers and rarely goes above 1000 players.

UT99 still has more players than UT2004. UT2004 is not even in the top 12 most played online first person shooter games ( and that is even when you count the bots)

The other sad thing is that almost nobody at all plays any of the mods for UT2004. The most popular mods for that game cannot even reach 200 players online :D. (That's 200 not 2000 -LOL!) You are a victim of the press hype and have been fooled by the oversaturation of bots being counted in the game. In reality it's not a very popular game and its mods are not played very much if at all . A lot of mods are made for it, sure. But how can it be the mod king when no one plays it. Sounds like your article is going to be very flawed and inaccurate :p