My incredible stupid incident


Mar 16, 2007
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Okay, a really wierd thing happened to me over the weekend. Basically, I screwed the entire water systems in our house because of my stupid act.


Well, Basically I was bathing, and my shower was actually faulty. It was blasting out extremely hot water from the water tank in an extremely wide area in my shower area. Being a jackass, I wanted some hotter water, and overturned my heat tap to the max. My body started to burn and I jumped out of the shower.

I attempted to get back in there and turn off the shower, but I could not. The burning water was blocking me. It was totally impossible. Firstly, I turned off the heater (duh) and I did not want to turn off the valve connects to the kitchen and some cooking was going on in there. I waited for 15 mins and it was still burning hot and water was wasting away. It is a fairly large tank and I knew it would take another 15 mins to run out of hot water.

Pissed off, I turned the valve off to prevent too much wastage. Finally, the water stopped (but all over my house of course). It was only a matter of going in, switching off the tap, and turning the valve back on. That was when I tried to turn it back. It failed. The next moment, water started spurting out from the valve and it splashed all over my bathroom. The valve was screwed.

My parents came home and were pissed off. It was really mad. The valve was still spraying water onto the bathroom ceiling and I had ****** our watter supply to the house. They got really pissed. We called a plumber, and he finally fixed the valve and charged us like 70 bucks. Seriously ******.
When I told them my story, my parents kind of laughed, but did not take it too seriously thank god.

But that was when the problems started. The ceiling had been ****** by the water so much that it started to peel. All the paint started peeling all over, and it became impossible to use the toilet below. That is when my parents really started getting pissed off. They cut my goddam allowance for my stupidity.

I feel really stupid. I hate valves..arghh..
I love valve.

But yeah, that sucks. Couldnt you just put a towel over your arm or something to turn it off?
Ah yes. Plumbing. :(
You didn't try setting yourself alight did you. If you set yourself on fire you would have welcomed boiling hot water and you could have turned the water off once the flames had been put out.
What krynn said, but soak the towel in cool water first, shouldn't take more then a couple seconds to reach in and turn the knob in the shower, you would have to hold your arm in there much longer for the spraying hot water to heat up the cool soaked towel enough.
I thought showers normally cut off the electricity to the heater when they got too hot. At least all of mine have.
You didn't try setting yourself alight did you. If you set yourself on fire you would have welcomed boiling hot water and you could have turned the water off once the flames had been put out.


We should consult RJMC on this matter.
I thought showers normally cut off the electricity to the heater when they got too hot. At least all of mine have.
It could be a gas heater therefore no electricity could be cut from it! D:
What does your intelligence have to do with a faulty valve? Seriously, kick your mother in the nuts for blaming you.
I would have found a way of bypassing that hot water, but if all else failed, i probably would have thrown bricks at it until it stopped.
So it was already really hot but you decided to crank it up a notch?
what about picking a axe and cuting the tuberies to stop the water?
damn all the funny comments I was going to say have allready been used

I'll just go with "that sucks"
"Bwa-haha, i will shed microscopic particles from my skin, fatally harming you 40 years later!"
So basically your parents are blaming you because they had a faulty valve.

You should ask them how they would have dealt with the situation. Idiots.
This may sound stupid but is there, anywhere in your house, an umbrella?

And yeah, your parents suck. Faulty valve = your fault = Does not compute.

Amazing how much good advise you get from people here AFTER the fact. I'll have to make a note of that :E

Well, it's not like he came on here yesterday and told us he was going to have a faulty valve over the next 24 hours.
Well, it's not like he came on here yesterday and told us he was going to have a faulty valve over the next 24 hours.

I lol'd.

Yeah it doesnt make sense that you got punished for it. You tried what you could to stop it, but the plumbing was ****ed up. 70 bucks for a repair isnt that much, not enough to get super pissed about it, and the ceiling might be a pain to fix, but as long as you help them with it, I dont see why they would get angry.

We need an Asbestos-Man he-er, .nethead :D
loled hard at the steam and valve sux..

dammit, i just realized I could have climbed up on a ladder to the heater and turned a small valve off there..
Oh wow, a cut from allowance sounds like a weak punishment, if I did something like that to my house. D:
I hope you have no kiddies in the house (or that visit regularly) that can access that hot water. If so, please turn the fire down on the hot water heater.

About your incident: Something similar happened to me but I can't remember the exact details. I remember grabbing a bath towel & throwing it over the shower head to make a 'waterfall' under the towel. I was then able to reach the facet & turn the water off.
Why didn't you use something to deflect the hot water with and then turn it off?
Why not just adjust the shower head AWAY from you.