My internets are slowly dying....!


Jun 7, 2009
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This is, in part, a "QUICK, ALERT HL2.NET" thread. It is also a thread in which I may ask, what the **** is happening?

So I was browsing my usual websites, facebook/

On Facebook, I use a few apps (Farmville things) and was going to play one for a few minutes. Firefox gave me a "Server not found @ website". Heh, maybe the snow is screwing with my connection, no biggie. Twenty minutes later and nothing.

With a realm of empty-ness and the knowledge of my dying crops, I went over to Youtube for some music. I tried 3 videos, all of them had a "An error has occured, please try again" on the video screen. Maybe thats just old videos, or videos posted by Russians (Yes, I listen to Russian music). So I look up a song by Motley Crue, but it gave me the same error.

With tears forming in my eyes, I rushed back to Facebook wondering if anybody else was having problems. But no! Facebook wont load at all!

SCIKOTICS! YES! I shall browse that forum for car parts! I rapidly clicked my way over there but it too was down.

Confused, and sitting in the fetal position, I have come back here to ask one question. That question is, where have my internets gone?, as the only working, daily visited site, please tell me what is going on?
not everyone is using the same internet provider, you know
not everyone is using the same internet provider, you know

I know, but I have never had a problem where a select bunch of sites have just not loaded/couldn't be connected to.

Just wanted to know if anybody has or if there could be a real problem other then maybe the weather. (Theres a blizzard outside, and my internet usual goes out in ridiculously bad storms)
I've had the same issue also. HL2net worked, but NOTHING else did. Made absolutely no sense. After some time and a bunch of reboots, it randomly started working.

The internet is becoming Sentient.
I've had the same issue also. HL2net worked, but NOTHING else did. Made absolutely no sense.

When the world ends, will be all that remains.

Just re-booted, no luck. Gonna try again.
Hahaha, I've experienced this as well. was one of only a couple sites that would work while everything else would not... I don't know why.
When the world ends, will be all that remains.

Just re-booted, no luck. Gonna try again.

I'm sure it wasn't the reboot that fixed it.

Try rebooting your router for run, also?
The internet is becoming Sentient.

No, its much worse than that. Its not the internet becoming sentient, its Its devouring everyone's favorite websites so that it can receive all the attention and love it requires of us. And we will have no choice to to give in to its will.
Power cycle your modem and router, that fixed the entire internet in a south park episode I saw so it should work for you.

If power cycling doesn't work call your ISP, if they aren't having any problems your computer might be infected with a virus that is trying to route your traffic through a proxy.
Happens to me at times, mostly with my laptop when I put it into sleep mode and move over a city to another house with wifi, if I take it out of sleepmode it'll have problems in networking and only connect to a few limited sites. A reboot fixes it.
are you sure you don't live in australia...mate?