My kitteh does not like you

If she was human, I could've swore she would've looked like a witch.
No offence to you or your cat.
The_Monkey said:
If she was human, I could've swore she would've looked like a witch.
No offence to you or your cat.
I saw a 'witch' today at a bus stop. I tried to avoid her.
Your kitten's eyes don't point in the same direction. 0_o
PvtRyan said:
Pffft.. cat got no keys, n3wb!

that phrase is gonna go down in lore, isn't it? ;)
oh and btw, i don't think the kitty is scary.. i was being sarcastic :p
Dogs > Cats ... it's a well known fact.

I must have been a dog in a past life, because cats hate me, but dogs love me.
cats dont take as much looking after.

cats are the lazy person's pet.
Cats were treated like gods in Egypt and if you killed one you would be sentenced to death. Also, the entire family would shave their eyebrows off as a sign of mourning when the family cat died.

Cats receive much respect in Islam because, apparently, Mohammed was a cat lover.

Nostradamus had a cat named "Grimalkin."

Ailurophobia is the fear of cats. Julius Caesar, Henry II, Charles XI, and Napoleon all suffered from this and would nearly faint in the presence of a cat.

Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.

Cats purr at about the frequency of an idling diesel engine.

The cat's canine teeth (the long fangs) sit in beds of sensitive tissue. A cat adjusts his grip on his prey until he feels a tiny depression in its neck, just behind the skull. The canine teeth are designed to fit perfectly into this depression, so the cat can sever his prey’s spine with one quick bite.

If your cat is in the habit of rolling over and exposing his stomach, you can be sure he feels perfectly safe with you. It's also a way of demonstrating his pleasure in your company.

It has been scientifically proven that stroking a cat can lower one's blood pressure... and I need all the help I can get!

Cats lack a true collarbone and can generally squeeze their bodies through any space they can get their heads through. That's also one time that their whiskers are important. They can be used to sense if a hole is big enough to fit through.

Re: Are dogs more intelligent than cats

thanks for asking, yours is a rather philosophical question. When we use
a classic definition like "ability for abstract reasoning" or suchlike
we get in trouble, because how would we know? The ability to learn by
imitation could be an indication for abstract reasoning, this has been
shown in monkeys and in cats, not in dogs.

Another attempt to roughly estimate animal intelligence is to put the
weight of the brain in relation to the body weight (bw). This ratio is
highest in humans. In animals the apes have the highest brain/bw ratio
followed by the whales and dolphins and then by cats. Dogs come later.

If we define animal intelligence roughly as "ability to learn" - there
are two elements of learning: the ability to solve a given problem and
the motivation to do so. Whith cats usually the motivation is the
problem. I'll try to explain why.

Cats are solitary hunters. Their main points of orientation in life are
time and space - social interactions are not frequent (at least for cats
living in the wild). Cats can learn a lot - but they don't have a
"social" motivation for learning, what makes training them sometimes
quite difficult.

Dogs are group hunters. Their main aspects of life are the social group
and the hierarchy they live in. They must have exact communication
skills to hunt sucessfully - this makes them much easier to train, they
are eager to fulfill their social tasks by obeying orders.
It makes cats sound like they have the characteristics we judge as stereotypical of "intellectual" humans... whereas dogs sound like they have the kind of traits that would help them do well in something like the lower enlisted ranks in the Army where it's just training and obedience.

In summary, I prefer cats. Albeit, if it's a small dog that doesn't smell or drool on me all the time I might like it (unless it's ugly). I'm definately not a fan of big dogs.
OCybrManO said:
Cats were treated like gods in Egypt and if you killed one you would be sentenced to death. Also, the entire family would shave their eyebrows off as a sign of mourning when the family cat died.

Cats receive much respect in Islam because, apparently, Mohammed was a cat lover.

Nostradamus had a cat named "Grimalkin."

Ailurophobia is the fear of cats. Julius Caesar, Henry II, Charles XI, and Napoleon all suffered from this and would nearly faint in the presence of a cat..
Oh yea, well Old Yeller saved little Timmy from the well. Can you top that?
awwwwwwwwww <3 kittehs! one is on my lap right now!\

course I <3 our doggehs too! :dork:
Wow... I always thought I liked cake better. I quess I was wrong.
God not that google fight thing again.

Nice cat :D I love cats...they're not entirely unsociable, like its suggested. I'm not just thinking of Lions. A lot of cats gone wild 3...ahem. A lot of domestic cats that go wild, will hang around in groups with other cats. And cats will often pick up "personality" traits from their owners. My cat hangs around with me all the time, and its not because I feed it...because I don't, heh. Well I do, but so does everyone else...Anyway each of our cats has a person in the family they like the most. I really don't know where I'm going with this. Thats what I get for not sleeping the past two days, and going out to the pub tonight... Just ignore me. Ashtonishing...
Farrowlesparrow said:
Anyway each of our cats has a person in the family they like the most.
Ah, so that player called "Farrowlesparrow's Cat" i saw playing HL2:DM the other day was actually your cat!