My KOTOR disk is scratched


Mar 22, 2005
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There are some (ok, a lot) of scratches on the surface of my SW:KOTOR play disc, and Alcohol 120% reports errors (it starts reporting errors around the 98% mark onwards) when trying to create a disk image. However, I can still play the game right now, which means the portion of the disk that is accessed when I play ISN'T scratched, which is a good thing. However, if I wanted to install KOTOR on another computer chances are I won't be able to because of the scratched and corrupted portion of the disk. Is there anyway to copy over a KOTOR installation to another computer? What happens if I just copy the KOTOR directory over to another com, will I be able to play the game like that?

There are five disks altogether, it'll be sad if I can't install the game because 2% of 1 disk is corrupted.

It's the CD version, of course.
There are very few modern games that are playable if you just copy the folders directly, it'll likely be missing the registry settings which would be an absolute b*tch to track down and manually input... it's not very feasible to say the least. Although with KOTOR being a purely Single-Player game, your odds are better than one with Multi-player, but personally I doubt it would work.

Legally I would see if you can return the disc and get a replacement either from LucasArts or whatever store you bought it from.

There are other means but I won't discuss them out in the open...