My Mod Idea



This is just a small thought i had on an idea for a mod i came up with.

It is based on Stargate (let me finish my idea before you start flaming and/or stating there is other stargate mods out there).

It would be a single/multiplayer mod. Meaning a co-op based multipleyer game that can also be played by yourself using the HL2 AI (modified of course).

The multiplayer mode i have several ideas for, limiting MP to 4 players (as per the 4 person teams on Stargate) or having more and having a rank system with different teams and the player choosing a team to join for example SG1, SG2 etc etc.

The game would be played out like a story with cutscenes (using either prerendered scenes or the in game cinematic ability). The teams would start at home base and take part in different missions each with thier own objectives and such. The next mission would depend on the outcomes of the previous mission and the likes (if that is possible). A goal would be the ability to forge alliences with other races (like the Asguard and such), say by performing and suceeding in a mission for them, they would come and help you if your team got in a spot of trobule. Like say for instance you got pinned down and surrounded by a Go`old (sp) attack force, the Asguard would come to your aid by either teleporting you off the planet or by helping destroy the enemy.

Vehicles would play a vital role, before enetering the gate a player could use an UMD (Un-Manned Drone) sending it through first to assess the situation. Our using for transportation. It would even allow for interstellar fight outs, with fighters, starships the whole works.

The enemies would be all AI controlled with no human control. Players would be locked into the human team in CO-OP mode.

What do you think? And please don't nitpick about my spelling :p
Why do people base MODS off of the same things over and over, look at the mods who have made it, they are all origional ideas of gameplay, The Specialists (mixes loads of different features from films), Counter-Strike and Day Of Defeat. No mod that i know of has made it that is based off of an existing franchize(*sp), make something that someone would actually want to play.

Aslong as the gameplay is origional its ok, just dont copy and make the same shite 10 times over likes some mods are doing :)
i wouldn't excalty call CS and DOD orginal ideas. Did we just dream WWII and Terrorists? So many other WWII games before DOD same with CS. They are more sucessful because of how they choose to implement the gameplay
kussie CS and DoD set standards which dozens of games have tryed to copy.