my msn messenger got hacked, help!!!


Nov 1, 2004
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Recently one of my friends msn was hacked, and i think the same asshole did it to me. I cant login, and when i try using earlier verisons of msn it tells me that my password is wrong, so he must have changed it. The problem is that i cant reset the password because i dont know the answer to my question, in case if you forget the password. The reason is that my msn is many years old, ive used it since like 5th grade, which means that almost everyone i know,from all the way back then, are on my list. Thats over 150 contacts of valuable people GONE.

So, my dear, what do i do????

Actually I have no idea. Is there no way to email MS and tell them your suspisions so they can check this out?
If you have a premium account msn can use your credit card details to verify you are who you say you are.

Otherwise they don't give a shit and won't reply to your emails.
For me, luckily it was an associate of mine who did it as a 'joke' and gave me the password a week later.

It's very easy to do, becuase all you need to know to hack someones msn is the answer to the secret questions, and the only questions you can use are ones that can be found out with the help of google: "fathers middle name".
Your friends use MSN messenger. So they are probably worthless. Only very few worthwhile people use MSN messenger.

<takes a few steps back, eyes darting from left to right to detect any challengers>

I don't know what you can do. There have been times with some of my instant messengers in which I was unable to log in, but those were resolved as being flukes.

For me, luckily it was an associate of mine who did it as a 'joke' and gave me the password a week later.

<muffled laugh>
Recently one of my friends msn was hacked, and i think the same asshole did it to me. I cant login, and when i try using earlier verisons of msn it tells me that my password is wrong, so he must have changed it. The problem is that i cant reset the password because i dont know the answer to my question, in case if you forget the password. The reason is that my msn is many years old, ive used it since like 5th grade, which means that almost everyone i know,from all the way back then, are on my list. Thats over 150 contacts of valuable people GONE.

So, my dear, what do i do????

When you take the leap, do a backflip.

Also: could your friend's list files be kept on your computer somewhere? With AIM I can export them and import them into a different account, but they may also be listed somewhere in a file.
Well they wern't a friend, just a classmate.

MSN is the best, aim is shit, No-one uses it in the UK cept people who have american internet friends.
Well they wern't a friend, just a classmate.

Well then call it a classmate. The only time I can really expect a person to call somebody an associate is if it is business related. It seems too ridiculous otherwise to me.
Associate yourself with my penis.

Also Ravioli did you save a copy of your contact list? I'm assuming you didn't. Would've helped you know.

Yeah, that's what I was going to say. A contact back-up list would've come in handy right now.
If you have a premium account msn can use your credit card details to verify you are who you say you are.

Otherwise they don't give a shit and won't reply to your emails.
For me, luckily it was an associate of mine who did it as a 'joke' and gave me the password a week later.

It's very easy to do, becuase all you need to know to hack someones msn is the answer to the secret questions, and the only questions you can use are ones that can be found out with the help of google: "fathers middle name".

Your an asshole. When my MSN got hacked, they did very well in getting it back for me. What your saying is false.
Your an asshole. When my MSN got hacked, they did very well in getting it back for me. What your saying is false.
Your a cock.

Well when mine got hacked they wouldn't even respond to my emails.
Well kiddies, the lesson here:

Don't use the bloody secret questions, and set a decent password.

Ladies, gentlemen... assholes, cocks... please. Quit fighting.

So you mention 150 people. Are these 150 people you talk to on a frequent basis? I don't see how you can possibly keep up with 150 people. I once 200 on my list when I played Dragonrealms, and it was much too unwieldy. It ended up being that 90% of them I didn't even talk to much, or they never talked to me.

I promptly removed them from my list and didn't bother worrying about them until they contact me back.

One thing you might try, if you fail to make any headway getting your account back, is to create a new one and use your known friends... the ones you know the names of, to communicate with the ones you cannot remember. That works only if your friends know your other friends, etc... which is at times the case, as it was with mine.
Windows Live Messenger.

MSN = obsolete.

And to get your account back - Start another account, and add your old account as a contact. If it ever logs in, open up a chat box and immediately run a netstat. Provided you aren't firewalled, one of the IPs in the netstat list is the person currently using your account (a connection is made briefly as their display picture is uploaded to your WLM chat window). Compare this with the IPs of the people you suspect, or just do a traceroute/nslookup to see where the IP originates - Will tell you if its someone local and also what ISP they're using.

It used to be possible to request a password reset, where the password was reset to what it previously was. Can't they do that any more?
So you mention 150 people. Are these 150 people you talk to on a frequent basis? I don't see how you can possibly keep up with 150 people.
Tell me about it. He has an entire monkeysphere on his MSN. :O

(Or is that a humansphere?)
Recently one of my friends msn was hacked, and i think the same asshole did it to me. I cant login, and when i try using earlier verisons of msn it tells me that my password is wrong, so he must have changed it. The problem is that i cant reset the password because i dont know the answer to my question, in case if you forget the password. The reason is that my msn is many years old, ive used it since like 5th grade, which means that almost everyone i know,from all the way back then, are on my list. Thats over 150 contacts of valuable people GONE.

So, my dear, what do i do????

Use yahoo messenger.
Windows Live Messenger.

MSN = obsolete.

And to get your account back - Start another account, and add your old account as a contact. If it ever logs in, open up a chat box and immediately run a netstat. Provided you aren't firewalled, one of the IPs in the netstat list is the person currently using your account (a connection is made briefly as their display picture is uploaded to your WLM chat window). Compare this with the IPs of the people you suspect, or just do a traceroute/nslookup to see where the IP originates - Will tell you if its someone local and also what ISP they're using.

It used to be possible to request a password reset, where the password was reset to what it previously was. Can't they do that any more?

MSN (WLM) doesn't work like that. The message goes through the Microsoft server to the other computer, you need to transfer a file to do that.
MSN (WLM) doesn't work like that. The message goes through the Microsoft server to the other computer, you need to transfer a file to do that.
I just noticed that ... although I guess it's only been like that since they enabled the 'keep my display picture wherever i sign in' feature ... when they introduced display pics, it went direct (if it could).

*scratches head*

You could try starting a new account? :x
Sucks man, there has to be something you can do, but then again, they also have access to your email, so that's busted. hmm