My new Marine Magnum 870 Model & Skin



Heres my new Remington Marine Magnum 870 that will be in the DC 0.5 release.

1500 polys, 1024^2 skin
model took about 8 hours, skin about 9 hours spread over several days
have fun !


nice but far to shiny. The army doesn't use anyhting that shny:)
looks very nice. just 1 quesiton , do you model for Desert combat ?
who gives a fook if its to shiny its sick (cool)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
nice but far to shiny. The army doesn't use anyhting that shny
Lol, you will get sniped with that thing before you even get dropped out of a chopper.
nice theorys guys but the marine magnum is that shiny cause its chrome ;)

some newer renders




(btw i need GI shadows but i dont know how to do them with brazil)
I agree with Sidewinder, It shouldn't be so shiney....

Try to tone it down a bit
you should add Slugs instead of regular ammo. but that thing looks awesome.
Where did all the detail go? I mean 1500 polys and 2 frigging 1024 maps really isnt necessary for that gun
ya, nice gun...but I personally don't see the need for two 1024x1024 maps either...

on top of that, the gun seems to shiny in reference to its real life counterpart...sure it may be made out of chrome but your gun looks like it was heavily polished and put under some bright lights...

maybe it'll look different ingame but I think it would feel unnatural to carry around such a shiny gun as a soldier...

nice detail though on the model...its really top notch work despite my few objections...
thx for c&c guys, more to come

Originally posted by endorphin
Where did all the detail go? I mean 1500 polys and 2 frigging 1024 maps really isnt necessary for that gun

it is in 1st person ;)
1024^2 is 1024x1024 , not 2x1024x1024 ;)
its more easy to handle for Battlefield than 3x 512^2 (and that is what the 1337 skinners as lonewolf and -X- us, so its not unusual)

the gun on the renders is bit shinier than the skin because of additional lighting, so ingame it should be alright - still waiting for the coder to import
great job... it looks exactly like the ones in the real picture that crabcakes66 linked
oh and I think its stainless steel not chrome since its not like a mirror finish, it's just bright in color.

And I dont see why the guy said you would be sniped because of that. It is a close range gun and im sure you can get a cammo barrel if you wanted to buy one for it. Also it would be used more in law enforcement (not war or army) anyways and they dont need to hide it.
Originally posted by Goetterfunke
thx for c&c guys, more to come

it is in 1st person ;)
1024^2 is 1024x1024 , not 2x1024x1024 ;)
its more easy to handle for Battlefield than 3x 512^2 (and that is what the 1337 skinners as lonewolf and -X- us, so its not unusual)

the gun on the renders is bit shinier than the skin because of additional lighting, so ingame it should be alright - still waiting for the coder to import

I know its in 1st person, and I also know theres no need for 1500 polys to make that look good in 1st person.
1x1024 map is better, but still alittle too high I think (I'd go with like 1x512 map probably).
I hope we don't know the same -X-, if its the one I know, he certainly ain't one of the "l33ter" skinners (does he have a unibrow?!), lonewolf is pretty good tho. Also, a better measure on what to use is what the original BF1942 models use (I havent modeled at all for BF1942 so I don't know what they are, but I doubt they're that big).

And lastly, while a 1024 map might be justified for a super detailed skin, it certainly aint for such a plain skin.
I agree with endorphin. There aren't enough small details to require the use of a 1024x1024 texture on that. The size difference isn't really going to have a great impact on it since it's mainly just open texture. I suggest resizing to a 512x512 map and comparing it to the 1024. I don't think you'll see much of a difference and you'll save valuable texture memory.
yeah in HL that might be true but BF has 2 problems :

1. the gun perspective in BF is very bad, you are very close to the gun from behind so you see every edge. Thats why i made my remington stock and barrels so smooth so you wont see any weird edges, and also modeled every detail that will be visible in 1st person to enhance the optics. In CS the gun is smaller and very left or right, so you wont notice the difference between 10 sided barrels and 14 sided e.g., or between skinned and modeled switches

2. BF blurrs out every texture, so a 512 map looks washed out in >= 1024x768 screen resolutions

btw the BF weapons are no comparision they all suck imo :)