My new rides

May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

I just want to say its final, i just bought 2 new motorcycles.

The first one are one of those Minimotors. Really small, fast and deadly (if you crash).

Heres a pic of it: 004.jpg

Topspeed at about 70km/h. Mine will be Blue/Silver.

The other one is bigger, almost like a real superbike. The top speed is about 60km/h, but it got more features than the small one.


The cost? Well, im ordering it from a guy on a forum (together with 50-70 others) directly from the factory in China so i pay a total of 400 bucks for both bikes (3120kr for all you swedes out there)... cheap if you ask me :)

Cant wait until i get my new toys!

Only one drawback though... they are illegal on public roads here in Swedland....
Ah. The Pocket Rockets. You be careful with them. ;)

Can you even fit on them? I mean, they look so damn small.
the vertically challanged need to ride vehicles, too!

as do the mentally challanged have the need to post on HL2 forums
and when i post about my vintage english biek i got not a person posts.

i feel unloved

nice bike btw. got a crotch rocket. gsxr 1100. thing is going to kill me so im selling it
Majestic XII said:
Only one drawback though... they are illegal on public roads here in Swedland....

who gives a damn? : :rolleyes:
My mates bought 2 of them mini-motos ... good for racing round empty carparks at 2am when theres absolutely nothing better to do :D

Havent fallen off it yet... fear my skillzorz. I said fear them. Now.
Hazar Dakiri said:
why two?

But they look sweet. :)

The first one is smaller... the second is bigger and got more features.. i sell the one i dont like :)

I can easily get the dubble when i sell them so... :)