My old school laptop..need help with parts


Sep 12, 2003
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I have a really old toshiba laptop from 1995. I need a new hard drive. I dont know much about laptop stuff, but the hard drive has like a mini IDE connector. I want to get a new one so I can lay in bed and play old school games like Sim City 2000 and Sim Tower. At one time I had it running Windows 98 perfectly stable. I'd also like to find a CD Rom drive and battery that will work with it.
The specs are:
Toshiba T4800CT
Intel 486 75MHz with parallel math co processor
24 megs ram
dont remember video.
It has a 256 color screen!!!

Can somebody help me?
Its got a math co-processor O_o If you get it fixed, go load up Quake. :D

I know they sell laptop harddrives but I doubt they are compatible with your old laptop. 9 years is a long time. You are probably out of luck.
I have 2 old laptops about that age, one is compaq, one is acer. Both are about that old. Pentium's I think, collecting dust. If you want to try and use one of these for parts, contact me off list. ed
I say ditch that dodo, you can get some pretty good deals on ebay for used laptops (mostly ex lease laptops).
Of all those I tried I had the best of luck with the armada range.
You can get an armada 1750 (333/400mhz PII) for about 150$ if you look around enough.
Better yet, get 2 "parts machines" e.g. one with a broken screen and one with a broken motherboard for instance.
If your handy with a torx you could have yourself a good running machine for about 75$ and some spareparts left over should it go bonkers.

If your not into repairing old stuff and have a little extra cash try one of the E500 range, virually indestructable, relatively cheap and hella durable (available from 400 to +/- 1Ghz depending on how much you want to spend).

It's not that hard to pick up a laptop second hand these days, you just need to know where to look.