My Ordeal with NewEgg


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
I put an order in for a computer part on the 21st of October. And as most of you might know, they ship with UPS by default. I didn't care. Although, I hate UPS and decided to see if they have improved their shipping efforts. So days go by and I get my package on the 26th at 5:00 PM even though it was shipped out in the wee hours of the morn at 5 AM. What could have possibly taken them that long to get it to my house? I live 20 minutes away from their UPS warehouse. I guess its understandable. Anyway, I decided to complain about NewEgg on I put in a great word for NewEgg but not for UPS. I bitched and moaned like a virgin getting raped. Thats besides the point.

A couple days later their customer service representative contacts me about my rating. He says he would like to give me a $30 credit towards my next purchase. He followed up by explaining why they switched to UPS, how he could help me in anyway, and what not. He said for me to review my rating and edit it if I felt the need to. Of course I had to since this guy was being so nice.

A couple days after I edit my review, he contacts me again. This e-mail says for me to contact him on my next purchase so he could adjust the price accordingly (Meaning he will use my $30 credit). He followed up saying that he will use my rating and our e-mails in their next management meeting. He ended the e-mail saying that they are going to send me a free NewEgg gift basket and also asked me what t-shirt size I was.

This is why NewEgg is the best choice for computer hardware and everything. I can't believe how considerate and great they are. I think I am just too sweet. :)

I will be sure to wear my NewEgg t-shirt around all the time. I'll post back with pics of the gift basket and t-shirt.
Shamrock said:
I put an order in for a computer part on the 21st of October. And as most of you might know, they ship with UPS by default. I didn't care. Although, I hate UPS and decided to see if they have improved their shipping efforts. So days go by and I get my package on the 26th at 5:00 PM even though it was shipped out in the wee hours of the morn at 5 AM. What could have possibly taken them that long to get it to my house? I live 20 minutes away from their UPS warehouse. I guess its understandable. Anyway, I decided to complain about NewEgg on I put in a great word for NewEgg but not for UPS. I bitched and moaned like a virgin getting raped. Thats besides the point.

A couple days later their customer service representative contacts me about my rating. He says he would like to give me a $30 credit towards my next purchase. He followed up by explaining why they switched to UPS, how he could help me in anyway, and what not. He said for me to review my rating and edit it if I felt the need to. Of course I had to since this guy was being so nice.

A couple days after I edit my review, he contacts me again. This e-mail says for me to contact him on my next purchase so he could adjust the price accordingly (Meaning he will use my $30 credit). He followed up saying that he will use my rating and our e-mails in their next management meeting. He ended the e-mail saying that they are going to send me a free NewEgg gift basket and also asked me what t-shirt size I was.

This is why NewEgg is the best choice for computer hardware and everything. I can't believe how considerate and great they are. I think I am just too sweet. :)

I will be sure to wear my NewEgg t-shirt around all the time. I'll post back with pics of the gift basket and t-shirt.

I despise living in Canada for the fact that I cant purchase through new egg. They gave you money and personally contacted you because of something that isnt even their fault! Thats amazing! I always hear new egg is the best and this only makes me wish they had a canadian branch more. :o
Well that was awesome of Newegg! Glad to see that they care about their customers like that. I wonder whats in the basket, heheh.
Dumb Dude said:
Well that was awesome of Newegg! Glad to see that they care about their customers like that. I wonder whats in the basket, heheh.
Hopefully like 10 7800GTXs and like 20 1000TB hard drives. :P
In summary, newegg is God :)

Wow.. just imagine a universe created by newegg :O
With my luck it is going to be a rotten fruit basket..
Qonfused said:
/complains on

QFE!! :cheese:

they will probably send you a basket full of shit thats on fire. LAUGH.
NewEgg rocks. I still use the Fedex because it's >>>>>> than UPS.
MiccyNarc said:
NewEgg rocks. I still use the Fedex because it's >>>>>> than UPS.


Heh, that picture reminds me of Castaway.

DrDevin said:
I despise living in Canada for the fact that I cant purchase through new egg. They gave you money and personally contacted you because of something that isnt even their fault! Thats amazing! I always hear new egg is the best and this only makes me wish they had a canadian branch more. :o

i don't despise living in Canada but i do hear what u mean.. :|
i too wish there was a Canadian branch of Newegg.
the thing that gets me is...we are neighbours so even tho a shipment may technically end up being a international shipment... its really not travelling that far..well depending on where in Canada but i think i got my point across :p
Heheheh retail.


/me Hugs distribution centre pricing. Only problem getting membership for such a thing is spending a minimum of $2k every week for so long. Been a member for years and hardly buy anything anymore. Incase your wondering I just bought systems for other people in the early days.
Nice change from rants about how people got shafted by unscrupulous dealers. :D

I had a nice experience too, recently. My wacom mysteriously stopped working, and afte rmuch agonising (due to previous bad experiences with trying to get replacements from dealers rather than the manufacturers) I got into contact with the retailers. They offered me a replacement and I took about two weeks to actually both to send the broken goods off. I got the nice shiny clean replacement within three days. And more than that, the model I had previously owned wasn't being sold anymore so they gave me a new one. That was silver. :E
Nice one :D

Wish I had had the same experience with they totally screwed me over when I ordered my x800 xt and it took more then a month to get it to me through which I expereinced lies bullshit and them sending me the wrong thing TWICE.

For all that they gave me 1 free shipping tab on my account :sleep:

basicly dont use ebuyer.
i ordered something from outpost earlier this year. it got sent to turkey, i'm in the UK...
Something a lot of people overlook: Newegg sells software too, including console games. If you want it fast and cheap, check there first.
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Nice one :D

Wish I had had the same experience with they totally screwed me over when I ordered my x800 xt and it took more then a month to get it to me through which I expereinced lies bullshit and them sending me the wrong thing TWICE.

For all that they gave me 1 free shipping tab on my account :sleep:

basicly dont use ebuyer.

Ebuyer really do suck. They'll try and charge me £15 shipping regardless of what I buy because I live in N.Ireland and they use a courier service.

I mean there's lakes bigger than that sea in Canada, but no, Ebuyer refuses to use Royal Mail so that they can screw me for £15 P&P on a stick of ram. [/rant]
I have had really good experiences with both newegg and ups. I ordered on saturday, a Athlon 64 3200, and a new mobo for it. On sunday (they work on sundays?) it was on step 5 (packed and ready to ship). On monday nothing happened (I was like wtf). On Tuesday (today) I checked ups tracking, and I guess it got picked up at 11 at night monday. Today (tuesday) it went from California, to Connecticut (where I am). HOLY CRAP. Thats across the freaken continent in one day, and its only the basic shipping (3 day I think?)

So yeah, UPS is good, Newegg pwns, and I like parenthises (sp?) :D
If that happened to me I'd edit my review saying that they were bastards tying to bribe me into changing my opinion.
I just recieved two tracking numbers from Newegg. One was for my T-Shirt and the other was for the gift basket. I think both will be here either tomorrow or Thursday. Can't wait to sport my Newegg gear around town. ;)
Shamrock said:
I just recieved two tracking numbers from Newegg. One was for my T-Shirt and the other was for the gift basket. I think both will be here either tomorrow or Thursday. Can't wait to sport my Newegg gear around town. ;)

If the gift basket isn't a parcel bomb, tell us what's in it when you get it.
koondrad said:
If the gift basket isn't a parcel bomb, tell us what's in it when you get it.
I sure will. I'll also post some pictures, too.
Holy ****, they really do rock.

I knew NewEgg was the best. I never shop anywhere else.
I finally got my camera back and well here are the pictures. :)

Shirt 1
Shirt 2
Surprise ;)

2 things.
1. Sorry for picture quality on the last one. Don't know what happened.
2. Yes, those are my real feet in picture 1 and 2. :D
haha word, i'd sport that plate AND the shirt. but i just like orange shirts.
When I get my car (2001 Mustang), I will definetly put that on it. I wore one of those shirts the other day. :thumbs: