my pc good enough for hl2 STOP those questions check it out here!!

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Thanks for attempting to help people clear this up....

although that link is outdated. I'm pretty sure that came out months ago and valve has since raised the minimum specs required for the game.
Actually that thing was about before or during September of last year if I remember correctly. Anyways that's just their guess of how well the game will run on certain systems and should not be taken as fact. We know that VALVe has raised the min specs though. I think they've also released the recommended specs somewhere. Once they release a benchmark then we'll all know how well our comps will run it :P.
True enough, but anyone who has to ask if their computer will run HL2 is either gloating about their setup, or won't know the difference if we shove that link at them. Either way, case solved ;)
All it says is "Insufficient", "Meets requirements, upgrade" or "You should have no problems...".
And they rate the GFX by amount of memory?
There is a reason why we have a sticky for this question now...
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