My Physics Teacher is the Man

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I bet he didn't slice bullets in half from an automatic rifle. Only true superheros can do that.
It's a simple .mpg, works on my computer fine. Did you try saving it first?
Shodan said:
Thats cool. :D

Is that a Wakizashi or a Katana?

It was a Katana. It has a full tang and isn't a cheap knockoff, and the rope it cut through was about 2 inches thick. I don't have a closeup, though. :(
You think your physics teacher is cool. My teacher worked on better developing the sonar, and further development of the cat scan.
Kamikazie said:
I know how to read :D I was wondering what made that loud sound after he swung. Was something on the end of the rope?
i was wondering the same thing...just a BOOM out of nowhere...a bowling ball maybe?
My physics teacher is an absolute retard.
A hundred pound weight dropped from the ceiling after the rope was cut.
That kicked ass. The only my Phys teacher ever said that was remotely out of the ordinary was "These bulbs are expensive blow them and I'll blow you"
bryanf445 said:
honestly what kind of post is this..

I'm not sure myself. I bet a lobotomy would do him justice, though. Or the amputation of his hands.
umm i didnt post that...i was gone for a few minutes and i guess that my brother made a post...sorry about that guys. can a mod delete it please?
nofx said:
You think your physics teacher is cool. My teacher worked on better developing the sonar, and further development of the cat scan.


By the way, I was surprised he actually had somewhat of a proper swing. His body was kinda facing to omuch sideways near the end, and his stance was too short, but still, he used his wrists and body :thumbs:, he obviously learned how to use it.
dream431ca said:
Every Physics Teacher is the Man..they blow stuff up :D.
My chemesty teacher blows stuff up(but only for 1st years and I didn't have him for 1st year) my physics teacher is the biggest retard of a teacher ever.
My Physics teacher worked for NASA. He babysat a telescope.