my pointfile is gone. what to do?


Dec 4, 2004
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hi there :)

after a couple of times of loading the pointfile, hammer cannot find it anymore. there is no file with *.lin or *.pts in my map folder. restarting hammer didn't help either ;(

i´m sorry for being a pain but neither searching this forum nor checking the SDK documentation has helped me.

any help is greatly appreciated.
If you dont have any leaks then a point file wont be created. You should be happy.
but it doesn't process anything so how will hammer know there are no leaks?
i think there must be a bigger problem because hl2dm crashes while loading the map. most interestingly the screen slowly fades back to windows and doesn't switch back immediately.
A pointfile is simply a tool to aid mappers in finding leaks. If there are no leaks your map will compile just fine (barring other errors). Your problem sounds kinda strange. Post your compile log.
well, i´ve just tried what happens when i intentionally create a leak. result: hammer doesn't find the pointfile. something must be broken.