My poor car !!!!

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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****, Some mother ****er, just scratched my car, I mean a month-old Peugeot 307, the door is now white because some dick head taught it would be fun to scratch it, I think it's the damn neighbor, he will surely pay for this, I will take out my home made flame-thrower If I know it was him

I'm pissed, does any one has some home solution for big scratches?
meh, my engine blew the other day $2000 to fix, count your blessings it wasnt too's the bus for me till I can buy a new one
For some reason you made me feel better, what car do you have ?
I scratch people's cars if they park them on the sidewalk or other dumb places like that, people deserve it. Are you sure you didn't do somthing to piss them off?
Foxtrot said:
I scratch people's cars if they park them on the sidewalk or other dumb places like that, people deserve it. Are you sure you didn't do somthing to piss them off?

oooohh not a good thing to admit to do you realise it's costs over a $1000 for a decent paint job?
No, I allways respect people parking places.
Scrathing peoples car is stupid, I'd like to see when they scrath your brand new car mate.
foxtrot.. you're the type of person i'd beat the shit out of if i caught them doing that shit.. $500-1000 worth of damage is cause enough for me to beat some kids ass. someone parking poorly doesn't justify monetary damage.
When some asshole parks at the bottom of a hill when I am trying to get to work it really pisses me off, easy way to make sure he never does it again...
Foxtrot said:
When some asshole parks at the bottom of a hill when I am trying to get to work it really pisses me off, easy way to make sure he never does it again...
it's that sort of retarded, self-important thinking that has ****ed up our country.. good job.
Why does the guy think he can park on the sidewalk? Because he was too drunk to park somewhere else? They had a whole drive way to park on but they chose the the bottom of a hill. I found it pretty funny actually, if I had a digital camera I would take a picture. Or is it that he has a car and is more important then anyone that has to commute with out one?
I agree with Foxtrot to a certain level. Morons should learn how to park their car. But if I see a car park incorrectly, I am not going to scratch/slash his car up.
On a certain level yes, but comom you don't just do it because you are pissed off, it a complete morons mentallity.
I have a big can of whoop-ass for you and your likes right here, Foxtrot.
Heres an idea, learn how to rebuild engines and rebuild your current. :x Money saved, plus you will know what will go wrong(if anything) next time.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Heres an idea, learn how to rebuild engines and rebuild your current. :x Money saved, plus you will know what will go wrong(if anything) next time.
Thats why I did. Of course my car was off the road for a month and a half, so that was a mixed blessing.
Foxtrot said:
Why does the guy think he can park on the sidewalk? Because he was too drunk to park somewhere else? They had a whole drive way to park on but they chose the the bottom of a hill. I found it pretty funny actually, if I had a digital camera I would take a picture. Or is it that he has a car and is more important then anyone that has to commute with out one? you think leaving a big feck off scratch on someone's motor is gonna make them move it? use your head. leave a little note.

seriously actually scratch people's cars for shit like that?! amazing..
in my country the people puncture the tires of the cars that are parked in wrong places
thats worse that a single scracht
Actually its probably far easier to replace the tire.
<RJMC> said:
in my country the people puncture the tires of the cars that are parked in wrong places
thats worse that a single scracht
uh.. not from a monetary stand-point.
<RJMC> said:
in my country the people puncture the tires of the cars that are parked in wrong places
thats worse that a single scracht

Tires cost about $70 or so for one, for a good quality paintjob is about $1000 or around there.
Here in the hood if you park your car wrong you'll find your car on cinder blocks with no tires and the doors, seats and stereo missing.
What happened to that one kid that said his car had a $20,000 paint job on his car? lol

Anyhow, that would piss me off pretty badly..
well I see that in you country the people care about the paint
here few people care about the paint
also I didnt know that a paint job is too expensive in your country, here sure is very expensive too
Here in my country, Nutrigrainia, everything is made out of Nutrigrain bars. You could eat someones car and they won't care because they're feeling great. They could just as easily make another one out of Nutrigrain bars, since Nutrigrain bars are the most abundant resource in our Nation. Nutrigrain bars are also provided by the Government for free, so everything is free in Nutrigrainia since everything is made out of Nutrigrain bars.
damn pressure.. you need help man. someone should start an intervention thread..
Nutrigrainia sounds like it was liberated from communism in the early 90's. :D I wonder if Chernobyl happened in the country of Nutrigrania, that would explain Pressure's last post. lol

PS - Yes, I know all about Chernobyl.
If I ever saw someone scratching my car I would pick up the heaviest object I can find and beat him until he goes unconscious. Seriously that shit is uncalled for. If you feel wronged in some way write a note and leave it on the windshield. Seriously, anyone who scratch's a mans car needs to have his skull cracked in. That's one thing that really pisses me off, ignorant little bastards that feel they're righteous enough to damage someones car because they don't like how he's parked.
lol foxtrot... that's kinda hardcore. but well depending on where you live, that might not be entirely as evil as everyone thinks. lots of big city mentalities are like this. i'd never go so far as to do something like that... well unless i catch the bastard opening his door into mine being the jack ass that he is because he can't park for shit in a parking garage. then a lil key to the side panel, i think, isn't too remiss... or something. heh.
Voodoo_Chile said:
Words from the great Pulp Fiction and ones that should be taken to heart.

"No trial, no jury, just straight to execution."
Pressure said:
Here in my country, Nutrigrainia, everything is made out of Nutrigrain bars. You could eat someones car and they won't care because they're feeling great. They could just as easily make another one out of Nutrigrain bars, since Nutrigrain bars are the most abundant resource in our Nation. Nutrigrain bars are also provided by the Government for free, so everything is free in Nutrigrainia since everything is made out of Nutrigrain bars.

Dude...lay off of the Nutrigrain bars. They are messing with your head. I know that you don't care because you feel great, but still... the IFG movie wasn't THAT funneh. Funny things are funny for a while, then they get un-funny...a lesson I learned earlier today thanks to my good friend HybridM. I love that guy :|
He is now living his life by the way of the Nutrigrain bars. He's chosen his can't stop him now :p
Foxtrot said:
When some asshole parks at the bottom of a hill when I am trying to get to work it really pisses me off, easy way to make sure he never does it again...

I found someone doing that to my car once, for no apperant reason.

Needles to say he will not do it, EVER again. Finally found a good use for my carjack too. And no i'm not joking, if you have a problem with someone you settle it with them. You DONT touch another mans stuff without paying for it.

Now you and your hippy friends go hug some farking trees or something.
Synthaxx R-or said:
I found someone doing that to my car once, for no apperant reason.

Needles to say he will not do it, EVER again. Finally found a good use for my carjack too. And no i'm not joking, if you have a problem with someone you settle it with them. You DONT touch another mans stuff without paying for it.

Now you and your hippy friends go hug some farking trees or something.

N3wbs got pwn3d
Frosty207 said:
He is now living his life by the way of the Nutrigrain bars. He's chosen his can't stop him now :p

Finally someone who understands me.
Dedalus said: you think leaving a big feck off scratch on someone's motor is gonna make them move it? use your head. leave a little note.

seriously actually scratch people's cars for shit like that?! amazing..
It is a serious saftey hazard, you could realyl hurt yourself. If you saw the hill you would know what I mean, there is a tree and a turn and then the driveway with the car on the left and the road on the right. I scratched the guys car with the side of my handlebars, not purposely at first because I was trying not to go into the street but then I just dug it in.
Also, what the **** is with people who think just because they have a car they are more important than anyone else trying to get somewhere that doesn't? I walk to school because I live fairly close and people have no idea how to use a crosswalk. People will zoom by me while I am already walking across, once when I was riding my bike some asshole in the right lane(we were in the left) drove by us really fast and my brother was infront of me and he almost his the guys car but ended up falling off his bike.
What I don't understand is why people get one or two scratches on a car, and repaint their ENTIRE car even though it doesn't need it... all because of one or two scratches. Don't they do selective painting? Surely they could get an even coat if they are talented doing it that way as well... I fail to see why anyone would pay 500-1000 bucks to repaint their car for a couple scratches.
Foxtrot said:
I scratch people's cars if they park them on the sidewalk or other dumb places like that, people deserve it. Are you sure you didn't do somthing to piss them off?
That's pretty weak. It's pretty much an unspoken law that you don't mess with other people's cars. I'm not trying to be condecending when I ask this but, how old are you (not rhetorical)?