My preload stopped at 28% Why?

Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
as soon as it was ready to preload it stated dloading . went to play some cz and came back to check two hours later and it was stuck on 28 % why is that .and what would happen if i turn my pc of will i have to dtart over tomm.
It means Roll on floor laughing. It could be the server you are downloading has just crapped out(Which I highly doubt), could be you just are getting some connection bug. Anything downloaded off of steam will keep whereever it left off and resume once it is started again. So just close Steam and start it up again.
Guess your awesome computer isnt helping you out huh.
did you press pause? well im not having a freeze problem, but mine goes backwards in percent lol, it went from 59.8% to 59.6%, then started going back up.