My reload animation..


Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Knocked myself into the chair infront of the computer to learn to animate..
This is what I did.. Used the CZ hands rig..

--> <--

ehm.. the file had to be under 10mb so the quallity sucks bigtime. change the View Width to 320 and it will look a litle bit prettier..
its not bad but im not feeling any weight or tension ..he just pulls the mag out and puts it in shouldnt come out that easily there needs to be a bit a of friction also with teh bolt springs have tension its not going to come back that easily.
but other than that its really nice.
i dont think you need to tilt the gun that far to pull the bolt back, mb just tilt it to the side and do it, cuz in the animation he is like swinging it out to pull it back. other than that and wat mindless modder said i think it was really good.
I think it looks very good. Only a few pointers:
1. Don't reload with your finger on the trigger.
2. When he jerks the clip out (and puts it back in) there should be a little jiggle in the rifle. Something that makes you feel the force he uses actually follows the gun.
3.The counteraction when he pulls the clip is too slow
4. When he hits the rifle with the clip it should move, not when it's all the way in.

But this looks very good so far :)
Hey man looks really good!!! Would love to know how you did it, if you could give me some pointers or even put a tutorial out there. You would be like helping out me big time and so many others. Thanks man!
it looks.. very good ! :D try to make it more dramatic

I have fixed it a little bit more now.. so it looks more "dramatic" and real. Some stupid problems have occured sadly, but i will try to fix it as fast as i get home from school. I have many more weapons to animate for my mod so maye i can make a tutorial or someting some day. But im not to good at english so we'll see about that.. Otherwise, If you know how to make 2d animations in macromedia flash mx, then you know how to animate in 3ds max. Its not hard at all. If you have rigged up your hands andwraped them around your gun and set up all your parents and link constrains, you will just have to hit your "auto key" button, set the keyframe rate to about 90 (that will make the animation take 3 seconds). and then move to the frame you want and drag your hands and weapons and shit to the possition you like.. Pretty hard to tell.. But i think there is a good VTM out there somewhere. otherwise I'll try to make one someday.

Thanks for the comments=)
Stertman said:
... set the keyframe rate to about 90 (that will make the animation take 3 seconds)...

In the USA that is or if you work in NTSC... How does that work in gaming by the way? Framerate considering animation?