my scary map help

G Man

Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hey all, can anyone help me with my scary map plz?. Ok, First its a resistance underground base that has been attacked by combine headcrab missiles and is now almost totally deseted because of the sheer carnage the headcrabs created, now i wan't to be a resistance fighter in a group that is sent in to find survivors in this facility. first you are at a huge blast door that i wan't your men to blast open and the door to fly off its hinges to find an empty lobby. How could i get the door to blow off its hinges? i don't mean how litrally but how can i make it look like someone blew it open like with a guy that runs and plants a bomb at the door or something... Second, i wan't to make custom signs saying canteen, command center etc. How could i do this? Third, i wan't my squad to say, "Joe! you go off to the canteen and see if you can find anyone, we'll search for the captain in the command center". then i wan't them to run off into a corridor which after they go into, a metal door drops down blocking the way. How can i do this?Fourth, I wan't the canteen to have one corridor leading up to it with a bulletproof window into the room, i wan't to look into the room and see a group of resistance fighters huddled in a corner who shout to you not to come in when suddenly the lights go out and you hear horrible screams and moans from inside, then the lights start to flicker and turn on dimmer than before but then there are no bodies only blood all over the walls and bulletproof window. How could i do this?, someone plz tell me how to do all the stuff from where you see the peeps in the canteen, i know how to do the making of the bulletproof glass and the room etc. Ok, thats enough for now, any other suggestions would be great. I'll put screens up as i make the map, i'm gonna make a plan now so thanks. Plz answer my questions!
G Man
ok.... i'm chilled..... just i really need to know how to do these lol
Also at the beginning i want it to go like it did at the beginning of hl1, blue shift etc, black screen and it says, Subject: Joe Harminov, Assignment, etc you know what i mean right? and also how do i get the
AI to work? i can't find any tuts on it anywhere......
G Man
come on people plz, i really need some help here....
well, im a mappin newb, but you should be able to do the door as a deactivated physics object, and an instant (~0.01 seconds?) before the explosives (probably env_exposion or whatever) blows, make it motion enabled. If you want you could put in a hinge with a phyics break limit so that it swings open right.

As I said, im a newb, I haven't really tried anything like this. Have at and let us know if it works out.

About the rest.. I dunno... Use a trigger for the forth thing. I haven't mapped enough to know how to put it together, but it's all in the 'output' tab I'd think.
Number 2

Make a texture in Photoshop, or Paint, and save it as a .TGA file.

Then use the texture conversion tutorial ( located conveniantly in the Custom Mapping forum here at the wonderful ) to get your textures into hammer.

From there, just apply the textures to walls or signs :).

Number 3.

Uh, you need to record yourself or someone else saying that, and if I'm not mistaken, you want to save it as a .wav ( with no spaces in the filename ) and save it.... somewhere. I can't really help very well with this, as I've avoided doing it.

Number 4. would involve triggering.

Put in a brush, textured with the Trigger texture, and tie it to entity, Trigger_once.

Then set its outputs to:

OnStartTouch, light, TurnOff, 0.00
OnStartTouch, resistanceguys, Kill, 0.10
OnStartTouch, ambientsound, PlaySound, 2.00
OnStartTouch, light2, TurnOn, 3.00 ( Make this a second light, with its appearance set to flourescent flicker or another flickering appearance )
OnStartTouch, light2, TurnOff, 4.00
OnStartTouch, light, TurnOn, 4.00

Not sure if you can set the blood decals to hide or sleep or something of the sorts, and just set OnStartTouch, decal1, TurnOn (or something), 2.00

Play around. Keep in mind, you don't HAVE to do it like that, but that is just one way.

Good luck :)
Thanks Phissionary but i wan't the door to blow completely off and land on the floor, makes it look like more of a rescue attempt hehehe....
thanks flippage, i was hoping i wouldn't have to put custom voices in lol....
Heh, no problems man.

Phissionary is probably right about the door. Set a phys_explosion for the door, with quite a bit of impact. Should push the door. You are gonna need to play around with some other effects though to make it realistic. Otherwise the door will just fly off :|

Probably a env_shake, and a explosion sound. Maybe have the lights flicker off, and then back on or something.

Play around with the lighting mostly, because the lights are almost always the main part of making a scary map SCARY.
Ok, first off, look at your last post. Right down by the corner there is a little button labelled 'edit.' If you want to say something, and just posted two minutes earlier, you can use that. :E (Edit: Actually, you can edit within 15 minutes :) )

I understand about how you want it to blow open. I suppose saying "with a phyics break limit so that it swings open right" is what confused. I'm just saying, if you put a hinge on, then it might 'twist' a little more realistically when it blows, and then the physics of the blast would break pass the limit and it would fly off. As I said, I haven't tried this stuff myself.
ok thanks guys, i'll try all that stuff. Any other experienced mappers care to go into a little more depth and talk about the other things?
Ok, hold the applause. I'm just great :D.

About the decals. When you apply each decal, give it a name. Ie. Decal1

In your trigger, use this output:

OnStartTouch, decal1, Activate, 2.00

Of course, give it whatever name you like, and set the time to what you feel is comfortable. Now when you hit the trigger, the decal will appear after the time has passed :D
it sounds like a good idea to me, i've only used hammer before source and now cant get the hang of it again so im not gonna be any help but i'll play test :)
hey im makin a scary map as well, (am i the first on this site to say so? i dunno), the thing about scary maps that ive found out is that they are the hardest type of map,of atmosphere to create in a game.

BUT i do wish a fellow scare-mapper good luck :cheers: :bounce: :cheers:
how do i get the env_physexplosion to go off at a specified time? IE: 2 secs after the beginning of the level?
G Man
Use a trigger_auto, with output OnMapLoad YOUR ENTITY HERE delay 2

By the way, i'm also making a scary map, or maps, for Sven Coop 2 (whenever it's released).

ok thanks man, also if u have xfire my name is thorny bush on it so if u wan't to talk about u or my scary map don't hesitate to pm me through xfire ;)

Edit: hmm i can't find trigger_auto....
G Man
how do i get trigger_auto and how do i put it to output-onmapload?
Well, im not sure, but he may have meant 'logic_auto' entity. It has a OnLoadGame and OnMapSpawn outputs, so....

To use it, go to properties on your entity, and select the 'output' tab. select the proper ouput that will initiate the event (i.e. OnLoadGame, or whatever) in the first drop-down, and then select the entity that you want to do something when OnLoadGame happens. Select an action from the next drop-down, and then type in a delay, in seconds, between OnLoadGame and your triggered event. Also consider the 'only fire once' checkbox, if it is appropriate.

Personally, I would think OnMapSpawn would be the one you want. So it only does it the first time you enter the level...