My screen freezes



When i play Counter-Strike: Source my screen freezes sometime.
How i see it: So i'm on place x and then i move 3 steps to place y my screen freezes. When it is unfreezed i'm back on x without walking back :| . Its something like warping... people are telling me i was standing still... but i was moving on my monitor.
Some tell me that i'm playing matrix :p for example when i jump off somthing i keep sitting in the air...
I have a AMD 2800+, Radeon 9800 with Omegadrivers 2.5.97a,
512mb/ram DDR
My ping 30-60
I'm using Decale Limit 300 average fps: 61
I stand to be corrected, but what you describe is simple lag. You are having momentary "non-responses" with the server that are corrected when connection is re-established.

Think of it this way: you're last position with the server was X1, you lag and you push buttons to move you to X2, but the server doesn't get that change, now you try to move to X3 and X4 without the server hearing the changes.

Suddenly, your client gets through to the server and states it is at X3... the server says no way and puts you back at X1. This causes the "correction" you see on-screen.

Most games will keep your vector - i.e. if you were moving left at loss, you keep moving left at the same rate - because when your client finally gets through chances are you DID keep moving left and nobody's the wiser.... UT2004 does this to deal with vehicles.

Don't be fooled by your latency (the "ping" as you say) as it is an average. You're getting intermittent lag.

Again, just taking a stab.
Trojan said:
I stand to be corrected, but what you describe is simple lag. You are having momentary "non-responses" with the server that are corrected when connection is re-established.

Think of it this way: you're last position with the server was X1, you lag and you push buttons to move you to X2, but the server doesn't get that change, now you try to move to X3 and X4 without the server hearing the changes.

Suddenly, your client gets through to the server and states it is at X3... the server says no way and puts you back at X1. This causes the "correction" you see on-screen.

Most games will keep your vector - i.e. if you were moving left at loss, you keep moving left at the same rate - because when your client finally gets through chances are you DID keep moving left and nobody's the wiser.... UT2004 does this to deal with vehicles.

Don't be fooled by your latency (the "ping" as you say) as it is an average. You're getting intermittent lag.

Again, just taking a stab.

Ok someone is understanding me :), but how to i solve this problem?
Is it my provider? Pc? (single player no lag)
I also saw that all the dead boddys where faling after i'm back on X1. Sorte of respawn, i hear the sound of buying weapons :s
Lag is generally all network. *IF* you were encoding DVDs or something that was hogging resources on your side, you might see stutter, but not in the form you originally described (your machine would functionally freeze).

So, that leaves the point the signal leaves your machine, passes through router/modem/network/provider/.../host server/ and back again. You can see laggy "servers" but if that's the case, all the players tend to experience it (and complain) -- which would be an overworked server or clogged network close to the server. If you're essentially alone in whining, then something has gone wrong from your provider to you. Are your friends on the same provider as you? Geographically close (i.e. same network)? Do they have the same issues? Are you using a cable provider in a very highly serviced area?

Bottom line is there's a bajillion reasons that you could be lagging, but start with seeing if other complaints are being made in your area with your provider.

From there, the ball lands in your court.
Hmmm i was not dooing somthing heavy on my pc, only running CS:S cpu uses +/- 32%

I play other games online and i dont got any lag on them, like:
Soldiers of Fortune II, Comand & Conquer, Enemy Teretory, CS on steam... all running perfect.... but CS:S lags like hell.

I really dont know what it is, i dont think it is my provider ore my pc but CS:S the game? Our maybe my ZoneAlarm? Its a big queation and i'm not able to find it ;(

Do i need to call valve to help me out?
And how i feel of buying Hl²... i want to :sniper: VALVE!!!!!
60€ for a small piece of paper and a DVD :| its not worth it...
but i dont understand why its only when i play Counter-Strike: Source

I had the exact same problem you described, and when I read your post I thought to myself... hey, I have zonealarm too. So I disabled it. Hasn't frozen once since then.
Jagged said:
I had the exact same problem you described, and when I read your post I thought to myself... hey, I have zonealarm too. So I disabled it. Hasn't frozen once since then.

Yup is was Zonealarm, thx allot :cheers:

Lets hope Valve ore Zone Labs security software wil do something about it