My solution to the motion sickness

André Damli

Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just got to the airboat sequence and noticed about 30 seconds later that my eyes and the top of my head got cold (kind of like when you get sick, and near to faint), and as I read on the forums that it was caused by your mind believing you're moving while you're not, I immidiatley came to the most logical solution: keep my body moving, so I started jumping up and down on my chair (more like jerking up and down, than hopping).
If I did some great jumps, I did bigger hops.

This resulted in the motion sickness wearing off immidiatley, with only a sideeffect of a tiny, tiny headache.

So I suggest that when driving vehicles in HL2, try keeping your body moving, even if it looks stupid. It's better than getting sick.

Hope this has the same result to the rest of you.
Or alternatively, play with a full bladder so you keep crossing and uncrossing your legs. :upstare: