My sound drivers won't install properly.


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
I have an Asus M4A78 Plus motherboard. Previously the drivers would always install fine, but just today, for no reason, they stopped working. I've uninstalled, restarted, and reinstalled in every combination possible, and I've tried all the different driver versions from Asus' website.

The driver control panel software installs and starts up fine. According to the device manager my sound card is installed and working properly, but if I try to "update driver" it will search for software and then say it can't find a better driver. If I open the sound devices window, it says "No audio device" and all the mixers are greyed out. I can't pick a playback or recording device; that's greyed out too. If the warning sound is supposed to play, my internal speaker beeps.

Wat do? :(
Are you installing the right driver for the right operating system, and is the right bit? 32/64? And the last time it installed correctly, is it the same operating system you use now?

If all that checks out, one thing you can try is to uninstall the bitch, then windows should install a generic driver on restart. Then go in to device manager and right click the audio device (you may have a yellow question mark) and "install driver automatically", and point to the right driver. This will bypass the installer which is having problems for whatever reason. You may need to burn the driver to a CD or DVD for windows to search for the driver and install it automatically. That's what I had to do once.

What firewall are you using? You might try disabling your firewall to install the driver. Mine can block things from installing on my computer.

If this is Vista or Win 7, you might need to run as admin.
I tried doing that several times, but it would only allow me to point to one set of folders in Program Files. If I selected any other folder on any other drive, "OK" would be greyed out.

I ended up just reinstalling XP, and it works now. Thanks for the help though VT :D