My Take on BF2

No Limit

Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score

I was expecting to be disappointed but this game blew me away. Granted that EA likes to mess up I wasn't able to register a account and couldn't play online but the single player alone completely sucked me in. All the first person combat problems found in the original have been fixed and the game seems very balanced (again, I was only playing with bots). I can't wait to try this again when I get home and see if I can play online.
Yeah, it's one awesome game so far. It seems that DICE managed to take all the great things from BF1942, BF:V, and Desert Combat and design a game around them. I'm in love with it. There's no doubt in my mind that this will be a massive hit in the gaming community. I'm looking forward to its release next week. :bounce:
The same thing with me, I thought you were all goddam hippies to spend so much attention talking about this game, and everyone who was a fanboy before thedemo came out is a damn hippie, but goddam this game blew me away.

But to me it doesn't seem balanced, i mean in the demo map, the US has it's main base on a ship out on the sea, where it is har to reach, the airplaness can lift of vertically and land, which makes it easier, and the US begin with 3 bases, now all these things kind of seem obvious, so can soemone expain to me why it's this way.
Grey Fox said:
The same thing with me, I thought you were all goddam hippies to spend so much attention talking about this game, and everyone who was a fanboy before thedemo came out is a damn hippie, but goddam this game blew me away.

But to me it doesn't seem balanced, i mean in the demo map, the US has it's main base on a ship out on the sea, where it is har to reach, the airplaness can lift of vertically and land, which makes it easier, and the US begin with 3 bases, now all these things kind of seem obvious, so can soemone expain to me why it's this way.

Having the base out in the sea is not an advantage, if you only have that base left you will be harassed until you lose and wont be able to land with a sizable force, MECs untakible base on the other hand is very easy to get out of and acces the rest of the map.
Grey Fox said:
The same thing with me, I thought you were all goddam hippies to spend so much attention talking about this game, and everyone who was a fanboy before thedemo came out is a damn hippie, but goddam this game blew me away.

But to me it doesn't seem balanced, i mean in the demo map, the US has it's main base on a ship out on the sea, where it is har to reach, the airplaness can lift of vertically and land, which makes it easier, and the US begin with 3 bases, now all these things kind of seem obvious, so can soemone expain to me why it's this way.
Planes? Holy shit, is there a different map for the MP version? I can't wait to play this.
HunterSeeker said:
Having the base out in the sea is not an advantage, if you only have that base left you will be harassed until you lose and wont be able to land with a sizable force, MECs untakible base on the other hand is very easy to get out of and acces the rest of the map.
to a base at sea is an advantage, cause the carrier has very good defences and is hard to get to for the enemy but easy to get off for the US, + that the MEC base is easly reachable is a disadvantage cause the enemy can easly reach it an reak havoc.

Anyweay am I the only one who thinks the there should be no stamina bar for sprinting, I mean it's great that you can't shoot while your sprinting but why the stamina bar. It's just annoying, becasue of that it can get boring sometimes while your trying to go form a point to a point and there are no vehicles.
If they made one or two of the US' land flags grey, maybe that would be better. I dunno, I'm fine with how the demo map is really.
I really like the demo. I never got to play 1942 or Vietnam so it's all new to me and it's all awesomely awesome. If anyone ever wants to play with me just let me know.
i enjoyed it a lot but if you guys have played bf1942 and dc after it youll find that theres something in them thats missing in bf2 i dont know what it is maybe its the way they made the weapons and so on but i think that dc just felt a lot better.
yeah, that suck from those games seems to be absent from BF2 :O
Its a good fun demo. Like a really really addictive version of Day of Defeat but better. Which is a pretty big accomplishment for a company working under EA. I'll wait and see how the reviews pan out before getting it though as i wasn't too big on the last BF games.
The infantry combat has got to be the most enjoyable thing there is now in the game. It used to be mediocre in the other ones, but now... oh damn, the feeling of sprinting from cover to cover, and everything else just feels so... PERFECT!
ja ja sehr sehr gut
I admitt no Game had me in his grips since HL2 Bf@ rulz da hood
No Limit said:
Planes? Holy shit, is there a different map for the MP version? I can't wait to play this.
It's the same map, only the area to play in is bigger and such.

You'll get what I'm saying more when you play MP. It'sh ard to explain.

But, seriously in 64 player mode, that playing area is biiggg. S

The scalable maps make it GREAT. I thought "8 on each team? This is gonna be crap" (Since I played MP first) but I saw it scaled it down to a tiny urban middle of the map and made for GREAT nonstop infantry combat. This is really fun :]

It does suck if you have 8 people on a 64 player map, though. Just avoid that. Imagine 8 people on El Alamein and that's kind of how it feels.
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's the same map, only the area to play in is bigger and such.

You'll get what I'm saying more when you play MP. It'sh ard to explain.

But, seriously in 64 player mode, that playing area is biiggg. S

The scalable maps make it GREAT. I thought "8 on each team? This is gonna be crap" (Since I played MP first) but I saw it scaled it down to a tiny urban middle of the map and made for GREAT nonstop infantry combat. This is really fun :]

It does suck if you have 8 people on a 64 player map, though. Just avoid that. Imagine 8 people on El Alamein and that's kind of how it feels.

And even though the map is big, there is action to be found at nearly every corner. You're no longer running around hoping to find some people to kill. With the sprint function too, it makes getting to and from firefights much faster too.
I take back what i said. This game is absolutely rife with spawn camping. as a MEC i can't even spawn without being run over or shot by a USMC tank. Then as spawning as a USMC i'm always under attack from planes and helicopters from the MEC side of things. Its ridiculous and pisses me off having to wiat 15 seconds to respawn so i can die immediately and wait another 15 seconds.

This game is just another Battlefield now. GoldenEye64 shits all over it
Grey Fox said:
Yes planes, and helicopters. ou have the JSF, a mig( a new modern one, don't exactly knwo which), a blackhawk helicopter, a cobra(gunship helicopter), Hind-d Gunship helicopter.

And just a couple threads under your there is this thread, read the title.
Wrong, it's not a HIND-D, it doesn't even look like it damnit!
It's a Mi-28 HAVOC.:)
Sorry but I'm a Russian(And Chinese) army fanatic, just had to point that out.
their was a old PC game called Hacoc my uncle played and I watched very intresting
Raziaar said:
And even though the map is big, there is action to be found at nearly every corner. You're no longer running around hoping to find some people to kill. With the sprint function too, it makes getting to and from firefights much faster too.

Actually lately i have been having boring moments where I'm running trying to find someone to kill, the stamina bar empties to soon, and I'm left running to enemy base at a snail pace, the fact that you can't shoot should be enough, now they only introduce unnecesairly bordem to the game.
I had a great time last night, tried playing SP 16p map with 99 bots(100 players with me), the insanity, only got like perhaps 5-6 FPS tho :p
Now I play mostly with 63.
My take on BF2...

I like it a lot. It didn't start that way though. I was pretty frustrated with the download and the .zip extract. Had to do it a few times due to corrupt files. Once I conquered those issues I had key binding issues for the planes and helicopters. The throttle would work, but pitch and roll wouldn't. Go figure. Without changing things it just eventually worked. Then I couldn't get the run or jump functions to work. It turned out I had to go prone then stand and then I could use those features. That was all during SP games and Local MP games I used to get a feel for the game. I had to keep reminding myself this was a demo.

Then the fun began. I tweaked my resolution and video quality and found a happy medium. I then proceeded to jump online and play for a few hours. Great fun. Vanilla BF and DC got real old to me real quick online. I basically resorted to Lan and when that ended those games died to me. There was something different about this one. Hopefully the enjoyment sticks. I think it will.

Teamwork seemed much better. The graphics and physics obviously are much better. The infantry combat finally felt like an FPS game. I adapted and ended up enjoying the original BF infantry feel to a point, but this game nailed it. I did feel like I was moving slow in BF2, but after some time I learned to accept that. The ground vehicles seemed to handle well. The additions of missles, both wire guided and heat seeking are nice. Airplanes are great with the hud, afterburner, flares and multiple weapons, although I couldn't imagine needing the afterburner.

I didn't really like the flight model for the helos though. The hud is extremely helpful and the helos do feel like they have significant mass, unlike DC where they felt weightless. When yawing though I don't like how it automatically comes back to center as soon as you let off. The yaw didn't feel responsive enough. I could do without the autohover, but I know that feature is helpful to a lot of people so if it was an option that would be awesome. Nitpicking, I know.

All in all I loved the game. I had a lot of fun when playing on the right server with the right people. I didn't get to delve into squads or commander mode much and I can't wait to get further involved there. I didn't really encounter too many performance problems. I got dropped to desktop once at the end of my session last night and I don't know why.

I look forward to hopefully playing with some people from these forums.