My test 3 dream - very weird O_o


Jul 17, 2003
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I wasnt even involved in the test threads really but for some reason last night I had a dream about the tests - more a nightmare in some ways.

Basically to try and lucid dream Ive been logging my dreams so to my suprise I woke up at 5:30 in the morning (due to the end of the horrible dream) and wrote my dream down; some of it doesnt make sense and alot of its missing mainly due to how easy and quickly you forget dreams.

Here goes...

Mike Maclean, Lady (blonde, long hair), Sven's wife (Nancy?), 2 tall black haired twins (matrix agent like in appearence).

I went shopping and saw a group of ladies giving out samples but the ones in white coats werent. Without any thought I asked the lady in white with blonde hair about test three and then she said "Gabe said hi" mouth dropped open and she twigged I knew what she meant and then she told the other ladies "its the young ones we should ignore"...

Absolutely gobsmacked that she said that I then wandered off down the shopping street and saw an ambulance outside a building near to the white lady area...I was walking towards it but away aswell, some guy infront of me had stopped and was just standing there, I stopped too so I could look at the guy being carted out the ambulance (out?!).

Out of nowhere this guy sat up - now you have to imagine for some reason in my dream they had no face; the skin on his thighs was cut off and the same with his chest. He sat up and walked off the bed which is about like 25 feet from me, as he did the guy infront of me turned round (his identical twin) and walked towards me. I screamed for england and everything paused - I then saw Mike Maclean grinning to me (somewhere close anyway)...

I couldve twigged it was a setup but I was literally so scared I ran behind the ambulance (the long way round) and went under it. From there I could see the corpse joke continued shitting people up and somehow the area infront of the ambulance turned into a table and chairs and the town kinda just disapeared. At this point the twins - although they'd said nothing - were friendly.

Me, the twins, Nancy, the lady with blonde hair and mike maclean were sat at this table for ages getting tricked by the twins.


At this point I dont remember any other jokes due to writing this down - hopefully they come back (edit;they havent)


I have just remembered test 3's pictures. A dark long room with an oak like cieling - I noticed in the cieling that footmarks and arrows pointed to the far corner...

The Blonde lady gave me clues - something about the blood on the floor?

Then the most brilliant thing happened ever, the dark twin (they arent both dark?) started banging on the table in a rhythm, everyone joined in and eventually even I did even though I found it quite embarassing. THEN suddenly the door slams open and the other twin bursts through the door with this horrible huge green mask on. EVERYONE screams there head off - it was proper shocking. Nancy passed out and the blonde lady ran off...

I woke up at tis point, Im still looking at the door expecting him to come through with the green mask on...[/quote]

Not particularly test three related, but scary as hell.....btw that was all wrote as I just woke up so forgive it ;p
Logging your dreams is one of the best things you can do, it makes your subconscious believe your dreams really are important and thus you'll dream of more amazing stuff and it'll be easier to lucid dream.

I've started to log my dreams aswell, some are pretty hilarious. :D
Indeed! :D I have a pile full, still havent had a lucid dream yet though :(

The screaming at the end of my dream is so stuck in my head though, everyone literally died of shock