My Theory on G-Man in Episode Three


Mar 25, 2011
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G-Man remains a mystery still, but if VALVe is willing to start to portray the G-Man in anyway other than being a strange bystander who talks in an otherworldly accent. Now, if the proceed in this style, what could have happened is that he himself sent the Borealis to the cold and snowy environment it now is in. G-Man sent it there using his profound Teleportation technology and is using the Borealis to advance in his expirement with a Portal Device (Thus Portal 2 connections...). This idea is far out, so I have another.

The mysterious G-Man is actually an inter-dimensional tycoon, who is constantly setting up monopolies inside separate dimensions. He could currently be setting up his next big purchase (Or conquest) by having both the Combine, Vortugants, and Humans weakened by the war so it will be an easier time to strike. As unlikely these are, it would be an interesting take on the character.

Has anyone thought of the connection of G-Man and Eli, and why he soon turned his interest to Gordon?

We have this.. unofficial policy on G-man theories. That is, we don't discuss them anymore. Pretty much everything that can be said, has been said, and further discussion will not take us to any new places until we get more information on EP3.

Welcome to the forum, brows, chat, Bull-shit with us while we all wait for Ep3. When it does come out we will have new G-man theories coming out our ears, and we will be clamoring for more.

Until then, make yourself at home. We ARE nice people... mostly.
Sorry, I just joined yesterday. I don't know where to look to post... Much less what to post.
Sorry, I just joined yesterday. I don't know where to look to post... Much less what to post.

No problem. Just consider that a PSA. Right now G-man theories, and any speculation on Ep3 have become stale. Once upon a time this forum was flooded with such threads, but in the absence of any new information our enthusiasm has waned. Once new information is made available the hysteria will return.

If you want, there are many threads in the forums on these subjects.

Your theory is actually interesting, but don't expect it to produce much discussion. (this is a function of the aforementioned lack of enthusiasm)

These days most of the discussion takes place in the political forums, the Lounge, and the Gaming forums. Drop in. There is normally something interesting being talked about. We have members from all over the world who have a wide range of political and social views. Sometimes we get some pretty passionate arguments, but we all still like each-other... mostly. Captain Stern is our local troll.
I miss laughing at people's horrible gman ideas. A tycoon? Really?
I dont really see the Gman having a big role with the Borealias. My theory is that he is a inter-dimensional mercenary that imploys a wide range of agents...maybe some undercover in the combine empire, some on earth, elsewhere, etc. Much like with the Black Mesa incident, the Gman used it for a profit based who he worked for....but I dont think he is directly involved with the Borealias ending up where it did. Also with the whole Portal 2 connection its gonna be extremely minor I think. We might see the remaining dock where the Borealias and some of the boarding dock vanished from but thats probably it.

Seeing as how there was some Lost hidden easter egg clues in Ep.2 I gather that valve at LEAST watched some of Lost and saw what happened when to much information on a very mysterious character was given....that character became less interesting and subsequently lost some fan interest. Valve may have learned from this mistake.
I wouldn't say Gman's accent is other worldly, he talks like a dude with a mild speech deficiency.

Obviously he's Gordan Freemon from the future! :arms:
My theory is that G-Man was the one who, in fact, dropped the screw in the tuna.