My thoughts of HL2


Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
I wouldn't want to spoil it to you guys, but the physics in hl2 is fantastically tremendously fun to play with.

story 1
i spent endless minutes trying to build a ladder with crates, playing around to make sure its all balanced and found out that i can't get up. after comming down, i reailised that there was a hole in the fence, next to the ladder i was building, so i was happy in the end :).

story 2
Warning: the next part is a spoiler, involving a physics task you have to do near the 3rd or so chapter:


The next physics task i did was to get up to a ledge. there was a barrel in the middle and a wooden plate thingy on top.

wooden thing->\**********|
**************\*********| <-Ledge

(It was like this but the wooden thing on top, was lieing properly on top of the barrel, like it would in real life.)

Lieing around were bricks, so i decided to make a stair case. i gave up when i reilised i need more bricks. So i put some bricks under the bit of the wooden thingy that was touching the ground, but i came with no success, untill i reilised if i put the bricks ontop of the bit of the wooden thingy which was up into the air. It worked, i was filled with joy. I made it to the ledge :).

Can't wait to play some more, but i'm extreamly tired (thats why my spelling isn't good), because i did 2 hours of homework yesterday, so i wouldn't have to do it today and because its late, so now i'm tired. hope you have fun playing hl2, i'm sure i will next time i play.

EDIT: DAMN, my ascii art didn't allign properly, i might try and fix it.

Edit 2: i sorta got it working, i used * instead of space, because i can't find the non breaking space alt + keypad code, might fix it later, if someone tells me.