My Trip Around BC


May 28, 2003
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So I just got back last night. Here is a rough route map of the whole thing. It says it was 2500 km, but it was actually more like 2000 km. The way points show about where I was sleeping.
Route Map

I spent four days in Smithers with some friends. While I was there, a guy got mauled by a grizzly, but he managed to kill it.
The story doesn't mention that he was hunting grizzly at the time. It also doesn't say that he and his buddy went back to get the dead bear before he went to the hospital.

On the very last day, about 80 km from Naniamo, I got hit by a pickup making a blind left turn onto the highway. I wasn't hurt, so I got the driver to take me to a bike shop and put a new wheel on my bike. So I now have a $220 wheel on a $500 bike. It was totally his fault and I probably could have gotten more out of it, but he didn't look like he had much money to begin with.

And here are a few photos. mostly of my bicycle. It wasn't very good about taking pictures of me.













I was wondering if you got back in one piece. The trip looks epic.
On the very last day, about 80 km from Naniamo, I got hit by a pickup making a blind left turn onto the highway. I wasn't hurt, so I got the driver to take me to a bike shop and put a new wheel on my bike. So I now have a $220 wheel on a $500 bike. It was totally his fault and I probably could have gotten more out of it, but he didn't look like he had much money to begin with.

wow holy shit. glad you weren't hurt.

welcome back
Odd question, but how often did you get to shower/brush teeth and stuff like that? Did you stay in a lot of motels or?
Wow thought you would be gone for a like a year or something, looked to be an amazing and rememerable trip.
Odd question, but how often did you get to shower/brush teeth and stuff like that? Did you stay in a lot of motels or?

You don't need a sink to brush your teeth ya know. I flossed every day too. I didn't take many showers though, and only did laundry once. But there's nobody out their to smell me except for the bears, and I don't think they mind a bit of funk. No motels, I'm not made of money.

Phase two of the plan is going to start in a week and a bit. I think I'll be heading down the coast to San Diego. I'll also have to figure out what phase 3 will be.
Oh, I was beginning to think that you were one of the 52 who might have died.
yup that's BC

i need to leave the city limits more often
Is that a Clark Jungle Hammock!? Those things absolutely rule for bike camping! I have two (one for myself and one for the wife).
Wow, that's damned cool. I'd love to do a huge cycle trip like that but my bike would fall apart.
I love BC. Been through many many times along the roads, and the scenery is breathtaking.
Hehe, I like how in the way the pictures have been taken it looks as if the bike has made the trip by itself. Especially in the pic where it appears to be sleeping. Perhaps the bike is our forummember A-Bike, the conscious bike?
Hehe, I like how in the way the pictures have been taken it looks as if the bike has made the trip by itself. Especially in the pic where it appears to be sleeping. Perhaps the bike is our forummember A-Bike, the conscious bike?

Ah yes, so Dan did not take this trip alone.
Looks like it was an awesome trip. I wouldn't have been able to do anything like it, though! Love the sunset pic, btw!!!
I could probably go a week/week and a half, weren't you gone for nearly a month?