My water is pink, help!



I have made the water and it looks great when I'm looking straight down at it but when i look at it at any sort of angle besides straight down practiacally it is relecting pink bars which are no where in my level. HELP!

I dont know much a about Source yet as i've not played much cs:source or expirmented with the editing tools, but you are probably missing one of the LOD models, the pink color is source's funny way of saying you are missing something, like a model texture etc.
Beanhacker said:
The source engine has sensed your gayness. That's how advanced it is.

lol, not much help, but funny.
Probobly because its overheated, just dont play for a while.
Isnt this called Artifactis?
Don't worry too much about getting water to function entirely correct yet. Building cubemaps in css at the moment doesn't work.

The only fix is to put a env_cubemap 16 inches above the water with a trigger/parent nodraw texture.

Even with this technique you will obtain terrible FPS levels due to the engine running world reflection on the sky and itself.

Just have some patience with Valve.