My WIP thread


May 18, 2003
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Well.. I havent had time to start on the drawing yet. but I had tome to make a scene in 3dmax (helps me to find cool camera points and where to pace the characters and make a simple model of the surroundings). I just printed it as a wireframe on A4 format wich will be used as a underlay to draw the caracter "barney with his combine suit and mask in his hand" (desided to change the scene a bit by placing gordon and barney face to face) So now the "camera" point is behind gordon on the floor off the alley/corridor blah! so you will see a bit off gordons leg and shoe and barney from the front.
anyway.. I attached the image so you can kinda see it for yourself :)

I will make the trawing before I go to sleep and start early in the next morning by scanning it in and colouring it.
I will update this thread alot and after the piece is done I wil create a tutorial for it. I am sorry that I dont have any early work to show (exept the doom3 deathrow inmate) wich was a kinda fast peice (thats why its a concept)

anyway. I hope you guys will like the result I am planning. I will do my absolute best to make this cool
hmm.. whats up with the 15 minute message alteration rule.. fgriggin annoying. make this 30 minutes or so.. anyway now I had to make a new post.

here is the scene. (looks friggin rough and ugly but it gives a impression about how it is going to look)
(forgive me for the gay colours :))

I think I will name it "an old friend appears"


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I will also add some hidden stuff in it so you wont see everything the first time you look at it
I really like the idea and how this is going. Im really lookin forward to this. Good luck man.
JUST HURRY UP WITH IT! Haha, just kidding, take your time on it. Are the black boxes on the cielling lights?
currently yes. I dont know if it wll look good. but it is just something to play with
well.. here is the beginning. off the colouring process. the method is like this:

First I scan the drawing into photoshop and open it offcourse and make sure it is set on the right reso etc. Once that is cmplete I take the pen tool "vector" and outline one part. (boot). Once the outline is finished I rightclick on my mouse and choose fill (filling it with a medium grey colour - yes, grey is a colour ;)). After that is done I choose a nice soft brush. Set opacity to 20 (not flow), and take the colour black. Then I lightly build up a basic gradient off the boot. After that is done I choose white and make a nice highlight. After that I make a new layer for the highlight and a new layer for the darker parts and just fiddle around untill I find it looking good (you need a bit of feel of how it needs to look - if you have character skinning experience then you are settled with the right skills)

anyway. I am now working on the wierd german looking pants as you can see in the attached image

(might look a bit rough - need alot more work, but I am just laying a good base here)


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here's an update

not much done. it aint going to be finished today thats for sure. cuz i have suddeny very little time to work on this cuz a family birthay party and some dumb family trip wich we did yesterday

anyway it needs alot of work. I need to get the whole basic shit finished, after that I need to do all the folds of the cloth etc. after that ther goes a cloth texture ontop and I need to leatherfy teh boots the face needs to be done to make it look like barney and efter that i need to do gordons leggs (not much work cuz it doesnt need alot of detail - will be blurred because it focusses on barney and not on the leggs of teh gordon).

after that is all done i need to color everything, need to 3dmodel a background that is used for the "paint over" and once that is finished I go back to barney and add small details and some details on the background and floor


  • bleh2.jpg
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Looks good, but his shoes look weird.
EDIT- Doubt u can fix this, but his torso looks too long.
thats because of the perpective. I have put it on hold for today (designing my portfolio site) but i will start again with it tomorrow.

hopefully it will be finished @ the end of this week together woth the portfolio design
huge bump

this is lookin tight

(sorry for bumping this cuz its so old, but i really wanna see this when its done)
I put this project aside for a couple of weeks. its not on my top priority list and I dont want to rush things. I will finish my portfolio first. wich should have the basis done by friday

awww cmon evil......

you cant show us a really big bomb and not let us blow it up!!!

finish it, man