My Xbox 360 broke down after only 7 days!!!


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
WTF?! Oh well, at least circuit ordered another one, free of charge, that was ok i guess.
Haha, I don't believe that they are still having problems with the consoles.

My second one just died too. Thankfully its still under warranty.
Huh, funny that. My PS2 hasn't broken down yet and I got it a few months after they launched them.
How did it break? Explosion? Fire? Did it open a rip in the space-time continuum?
I'm on my second one now, my first was a launch console that worked fine for over a year.
I'm on my third :P

My first locked up in under an hour from the get-go. The replacement system worked fine from February 2006 to March 2007, when it dies and won't start up. I get lazy and don't send it off for repairs through Best Buy until April. It comes back 3 weeks later, and dies the same day. So then Best Buy does some "creative paperwork" to get me a brand new Premium unit off the shelf.
I'm on my third :P

My first locked up in under an hour from the get-go. The replacement system worked fine from February 2006 to March 2007, when it dies and won't start up. I get lazy and don't send it off for repairs through Best Buy until April. It comes back 3 weeks later, and dies the same day. So then Best Buy does some "creative paperwork" to get me a brand new Premium unit off the shelf.
Doesn't that make it your 4th?
You probably shouldn't have stuck your pen0rz in there...

It's my third because my second one went off for repairs, not replacement :P
Huh, funny that. My PS2 hasn't broken down yet and I got it a few months after they launched them.

Same, I just needed to clean the laser inside with a Q-tip, but nithing major. Selling it next weekend too, I've had it so long!
On my second, hopefully my third soon. First was scratching up my discs, had it replaced the same day (was less than a week old). Second got red lighted, sent off for repairs and got it back a couple weeks later. A few weeks after that the same console goes red light on me again. Been slacking off about doing anything about it, but eventually I'll get around to taking it into the store and see if I can swing a replacement. Somehow I'm pretty sure this one has had it.
I still play a original launched NES, and an original launched GAMEGEAR.
I still play a original launched NES, and an original launched GAMEGEAR.
Honestly, what does all this say about the X360?

Older, reliable consoles FTMFW

And I don't care if they're easy to replace. That's not the point. The point is the first one you buy should work. It should work for years. Without problems. And Microsoft's certainly been having enough consoles f*ck up that they should have pinpointed all the problems by now.
Microsoft are cheap mofos, it costs like 50 bucks to make a console or something like that, they couldn't chip in extra $100 per console to make it ACTUALLY WORK.

I got my XBOX360 at Christmas and it still works fine, aside from occasional freezes in Rainbow Six: Vegas..
you could argue that the technology is much more fragile, although I wont because of all the bullshit problems the 360 had on launch