Myskullonus 5: Imminent lock/this sucks

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The Freeman
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Well it really sucks we've decided against the continuation of the misc series due to a spamfest. Well, so this thread appears to have a purpose:

Had a great time hanging out with my friends tonight, but didn't go to a football game because it's away.

I just got Dexter Season 2 DVD on Netflix so that should be awesome.

I may be seeing awesome girl soon, not sure.

Not really threadworthy is it...
In my opinion, not unless you post pics


Dexter's Lab is so kewl

I Miss Miscellaneous.
True, this has nothing on the arcade picsplosion. Dexter's Lab yeah, only more murder
True, this has nothing on the arcade picsplosion
Nothing has nothing on arcade picsplosion - lol (except tits)

Dexter? Not the toon?\

Oh, seeing how you live in Virginia, if you were dying to check it out, I can arrange so we can check it out and spend a few hours there.
Dexter from Showtime. About the serial killer who preys upon serial killers. I'm also reading the books, on which they are based

I go to work, come back and MISC IS ****ING LOCKED?!?!


I go to work, come back and MISC IS ****ING LOCKED?!?!


I second the above sentiment in a much more respectful manner.

Also, this stupid friend of mine just randomly gave me pokemon cards the other day and I've been holding on to them and loling with my friends all week
What??? Misc was closed? You ****ers, you ruined the best thing on with your spams and shit. Curse you!
it was some noob that ruined it. He was banned and then he made an alt and got banned again and locked it.

read the last few pages.
I think Hectic Glenn had a perfectly valid point about spammers and I entirely agree with him on that.

But the number of valid posters, myself included, compared to the spamming posts I think is at such a ratio that Misc should stay, because it serves a very valid purpose on these forums.

Especially considering how connected and social we are in these forums compared to other forums that might be less in touch with each other.
Edit: Reply to virus ^^ damn you are fast posters...

I just did...


Well, let's enjoy this for as long as we can then.
I just got back from work. It's 4.20 in the morning. Probably one of my best days there for no real reason. Some girls flirted with me. I was busy taking coats and stoping people jumping in from the fence but i whould call that a good day.

What else...

Edit 2: What Raz said.
I just did...


Well, let's enjoy this for as long as we can then.
I just got back from work. It's 4.20 in the morning. Probably one of my best days there for no real reason. Some girls flirted with me. I was busy taking coats and stoping people jumping in from the fence but i whould call that a good day.

What else...

4:20! CURSES!

Well if this is Misc....

I was wondering if someone could help me make this an avatar.

Misc is gone. It isn't coming back. Next person to make another one will find themselves with a week ban, and then the next with a month ban and so on and so forth until you're absent from the forum until 2012.

Sorry, but Misc just doesn't work - final decision.
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