N.K. attacks S.K. with water


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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6 S.Koreans Missing as N.Korea Opens Floodgates
6 campers are missing after an unexpected release of water from a North Korean dam early Sunday morning caused flash floods in the lower reaches of the Imjin River in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi Province.

The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs said some 40 million tons of water was released over 11 hours from 2 a.m. Sunday.

A military officer said the six South Koreans seem to have disappeared as result of North Korea opening some floodgates of the Hwang River Dam in Tosan-gun, North Hwanghae Province, 42.3 km north of the military demarcation line. North Korea gave no warning nor offered an explanation.


Rescue workers search for six missing campers near the Imjin Bridge at the Imjin River in Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi Province on Sunday.

There are accusations that the government did nothing to prevent the disaster, although worries have been raised since December 2002 about damage to South Korea in the wake of the North's construction of the Hwang River Dam.

The automatic warning system, which had been established to evacuate residents when the level of the Imjin River goes up, was not working on Sunday morning.

Kwon Do-yup, first vice minister of land, transport and maritime affairs, said the ministry is "checking to find out the cause."

3 bodies have so far been found, 5 are still missing, presumed dead.

10 tanks belonging to the ROKA were trapped by the flood, but managed to escape.

The really agitating thing about this is that they have the same kind of dam at the Han river, which could flood our Capital, Seoul.



I was already giggling when I saw "N.K. attacks S.K."
Cause it would never be direct.
It might have been the ents. They've done it before....

Did SK send in the over dressed for the situation elite forces? Are there rioters with bamboo poles yet?

Where is the typical South Korean reaction.

I want to see Level 7 Fire Sorcerers conjuring up a raging tempests from earths core to launch at ronery Kim Jong.
It might have been the ents. They've done it before....

Did SK send in the over dressed for the situation elite forces? Are there rioters with bamboo poles yet?

Where is the typical South Korean reaction.

I want to see Level 7 Fire Sorcerers conjuring up a raging tempests from earths core to launch at ronery Kim Jong.

Well, no.

We're like "wtf?" and the military and police are still looking for the missing people. I think the indirectness of this incident has calmed down people a bit, unlike the 'real' attacks with rockets and guns.
This is the most bizarre news story I have heard all year long.

Also... it is time for South Korea to use water right back at North Korea. SEND THE OCEAN UPSTREAM!
i suggest you build big ****ing fans and aim them at Pyongyang. let's see how they like wind!
Fight water with FIRE!! I say you just firebomb the whole damn country...
The really agitating thing about this is that they have the same kind of dam at the Han river, which could flood our Capital, Seoul.
Dude - get a dam built on that river pronto. If I was a deranged dictator, an 'accidental' dam failure that wipes out the capital of my enemy would be maniacally tempting.
That was amazing.

The really agitating thing about this is that they have the same kind of dam at the Han river, which could flood our Capital, Seoul.
This was a test, a proof of concept. Next time, it'll be serious.
This was a test, a proof of concept. Next time, it'll be serious.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Apparently.

The best option would be to try to capture all of that water, and keep it for yourself.

It's like when someone throws a knife at you. If you dodge it, you can pick it up and use it against them! Meanwhile, they are unarmed and defenseless! Except in this case, you will have plenty of free fresh water.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Apparently.

The best option would be to try to capture all of that water, and keep it for yourself.

It's like when someone throws a knife at you. If you dodge it, you can pick it up and use it against them! Meanwhile, they are unarmed and defenseless! Except in this case, you will have plenty of free fresh water.

Dirty commie water more like.

I wouldn't piss in it.
S.K. should tar & feather Pyongyang and make it look like an accident.

You could make up some fake company names like "Mattress Supply Co." to put on the side of the plane and dump tons of tar & feathers while saying it was a mechanical failure in the cargo plane's holding compartment.
Easy solution: Build your own damned flood gates you cheap bastards!:p
Wait so SK let NK control all the upriver dams and yet didn't see this coming?