n00b mapper in need of MP mod


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Lo there. I've been mapping for about 6 months now and here is probably my best work.

I want to be part of a MP mod and would like someone to help motivate me and improve my work :)
Just to come with some constructive ideas for you

Iv been designing levels for about 4 years now, though that was for the old HL engien. And iv been designing levels since full Source SDK came.

My idea is that you learn as mutch as you can. Download Vmex and decompile the valve maps, see how they have build things, load maps and see how things work, and try to make that yourself.

It might sound harsh, but to get a job in a mod when you need to rework your skill and learn new aspects of the engien, dont know if anyone would do so. Mods have become big this days, everyone wants a good level designer that know what hes doin and can work fast.

But dont let me kick you down, im happy to see that your at least trying. If you need help with level designing, PM me :)
best tip i can give you to become part of a mod team is to NEVER claim your a n00b :) No mod leader in their right might would say... omg we just got a new n00b mapper on our team :D

Thou i wouldn't say you are a n00b mapper from those screenshots, it looks like you know what your doing to take yourself above n00b status :) and though your maps don't look detailed they look functional :)

if you want to try out for my mod, please go to http://www.dragonballsource.com first and check out if it's your kind of thing, since anime mod's aren't everyones style, though if you were making maps for us, they would test your skills, mainly due to their size :)

We would test you out on a couple of things first before you joined, to see if your suited to the style of maps we require, and can help you out with future development, though you would mainly be working off your own back, since we can't dedicate our time to teaching you finer points of mapping. We are always looking for new mappers though and can offer help where needed. Basically, if your willing to put in the effort to make quality maps, we'd be willing to help you out where needed :D

if your interested in a chance to join our team, you can PM me here, or email/MSN me at [email protected]
I do draw plans and concepts aswell you know. I can model aswell :)