n00b's Ruining Games

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
I am so sick of unskilled players in half-assed clans that don't know what they are doing. (This is about NS)

1. When you see an onos and you dont have anything of value RUSH IT DUMBASS

2. Don't allow morons into the comm chair. They ruin it not only for the rest of the team but also the opposing team..

3. If you aren't good with a gun I don't wanna see your ugly mug on the marine team.

4. Don't run infront of friendlies that are firing at an enemy, all your doing is blocking bullets that could potentionaly kill the enemy. (I have see countless n00bs run right in front of me and start shooting to get a kill and it ends up just running away.)


I have outranked clanners in killes and skill on just about all the servers that would show up in steam. I have seen the best and the worst. Man, its really great to be on a team with a clan that know WTF they are doing, and they have practiced. I get so mad sometimes because they have a clan server and site but they play like they downloaded the game 2 days ago without reading the manual.

I know we are all n00bs at one time but you shouldn't ruin the fun for others because of your sheer and uttlery obvious + rediculous manner in which you try to handle your character.

P.S. Anyone know of a good clan?
coolio2man said:
4. Don't run infront of friendlies that are firing at an enemy,

Friendlies! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

as for the topic at hand, I've played NS maybe once or twice. All of what you said is common sense and goes for all games, too (while replacing x with y, etc).
Brian Damage said:
Maybe you should write a primer for noobs...
They wouldn't read it, there would be no point. They don't even bother reading the manual
Just something short, with monosyllabic words...

Maybe they should start making MP games that have a screen at the start (like those copyright screens in movies) that lists general tips on not being a tosser while playing, and the screen can't be clicked past until a timer runs out. Or something like that...
I really hate it in Desert Combat when Im on a team and have a score of 24 or something, and the next highest scorer on my team has a score of 8. It makes me wonder what they are doing the whole round. Do they wander aimlessly around in some delution they are helping the team?

The object of most games if farily simple: Go to the enemy and kill them. Is this so difficult to understand?
Someone will always be better than you, and someone will always be worse. Simple as that.

Just join another server. In Savage I play a little here and there... On most public server I am usually in the top 5 peeps. On clan servers such as Black Knights, they always whoop my ass bigtime! :)
I don't mind when people suck because we were all noobs once, heck I still am. However, there is one thing that really annoys me in NS and that is when the comm packs everything in like a microwave meal. The initial start points are designed with plenty of room for spreading out but the comms just cram everything together (especially the spawn pads and ammo dispensers). It's like spawing into the middle of a crowded football terrace. I don't expect the comm to fill the room, just give a little room to move when you spawn in.
coolio2man said:
4. Don't run infront of friendlies that are firing at an enemy

All you Call of Duty noobs playing in reflective FF servers listen up!! >_<
For ****s sake... I have absolutely nothing against newbies. They're there to learn the game, and I would personally, become REALLY pissed if some arrogant butthead like you came and ragged on me. And as far as I see it, no newbies would ever be able to improve themselves if your rules applied to the game. So lighten the hell up and give these guys a chance!
Champ said:
For ****s sake... I have absolutely nothing against newbies. They're there to learn the game, and I would personally, become REALLY pissed if some arrogant butthead like you came and ragged on me. And as far as I see it, no newbies would ever be able to improve themselves if your rules applied to the game. So lighten the hell up and give these guys a chance!

I agree partially, there are the learning noobs who play like everyone else, just not as well, maybe the listed mistakes but learn from them and apologize. Then there's the noobs who gave the name it's definition :) We've all been there I think.

What's funny is when pros noob it up and still own XD I have a friend who can go crazy on CS or NS and still rake in the kills, it's great fun watching him ^-^
Noobs in CS and Q3 they just stand still in there places and start spamming with their Sniper Rifels.
the only real noobs i hate are those folk who are just genuinely dumb people. like in Desert Combat, you'll find most people will end up spawn camping just because they don't know otherwise, and when you tell them no don't do that, they get all flustered etc.

there's a difference between a noob and a beginner. i think most people are just noobs (new to the game but never learn how to do things), and a few people are just beginners (new but they're always learning things and will eventually progress). so yeah, i pretty much dislike noobs too.
Dedalus said:
the only real noobs i hate are those folk who are just genuinely dumb people. like in Desert Combat, you'll find most people will end up spawn camping just because they don't know otherwise, and when you tell them no don't do that, they get all flustered etc.

there's a difference between a noob and a beginner. i think most people are just noobs (new to the game but never learn how to do things), and a few people are just beginners (new but they're always learning things and will eventually progress). so yeah, i pretty much dislike noobs too.
That's not a noob then, that's an idiot :)
I never understood noobs, i mean when i start playing a game, i dont shoot at my team and/or stare blankly at walls getting confused.... And there are so many of them, are there so many people with low IQs? :p Thats why i (used to) play diablo 2, no noobs there
I got fed up of desert combat due to noobs. Thats when i discovered the dev server! Its IP is on the forums and so is its password

There are no noobs there at all and everyone is great fun to play with. They even stop shooting at you if you tell them your gona try a trick in a helicopter or something.

Its by far the best server EVER!

And most of them are decently skilled. Not as good as me the gingerninja of course. But good none the less :p
hey marksman could you PM me the details if possible? i wouldn't mind playing on a decent DC server for once :)
1. When you see an onos and you dont have anything of value RUSH IT DUMBASS

Doesn't that give them unnecessary XP, though? Atleast in combat mode..
Dedalus said:
hey marksman could you PM me the details if possible? i wouldn't mind playing on a decent DC server for once :)

deja vu....uh, i mean ditto.

I'd like info as well if you wouldnt mind. The whole "not getting shot while doing tricks sounds nice"
Why all this hate talk about n00bs? One word: "Target Practice"
though common sense stuff is annoying, you gotta give newbs a chance to learn certain intricacies of the game. Especially NS, which is probably one of the most complicated mods out there. and is rushing an onos necessarily good? just costs the team resources everytime you die...
CyberSh33p said:
though common sense stuff is annoying, you gotta give newbs a chance to learn certain intricacies of the game. Especially NS, which is probably one of the most complicated mods out there. and is rushing an onos necessarily good? just costs the team resources everytime you die...
Yeah, but a purebreed n00b (as per idiot definition) dont *care* if it hurts the team.
G0rgon said:
Noobs in CS and Q3 they just stand still in there places and start spamming with their Sniper Rifels.

rifels, huh...g0rgons on the hl2.net forums make unreadable and pointless psosts.
Well, the thing with noobs is...it used to mean someone 'noo' to the game, but now the definition has changed. Okay we should all remember that 'noob' now means 'idiot' and 'newb' means newbie. 'Noob' being so because it suggests stupidity, ie bad spelling. Agreed?
Hee-hee. Rifels. Hee-hee.
I never have any problem with noobs. On the contrary, I get annoyed with NS players shouting at me all the time that I'm stupid and that.... oh wait. That's not good is it?

Coolioman, most of that is common sense but when NS players scream at me through their crappy microphones about things I don't understand, it really pisses me off. Example: Someone says I should go commander. I do. Within two seconds someone tells me I should be booted off the server because I'm '****ing shit'. I place a spawn point and are kicked from the commanders chair for 'bad placement'. Upon askign why it's badly placed, everyone shouts incomprehensbly (despite my pleading to use text-type because "I can't hear a word you say") and I get kicked off the server.
While I would not consider myself a newbie at NS, I realise I have a long way to go before I'm considered any good by 'the community'.
The next day I went on a small server with four people on each team, became commander and we completely owned. Life, eh?
All that said, I would not do any of the bad things that coolioman mentions. But in my opinion, the real 'noobs' are the so-called experienced players, not the beginners.
Sulkdodds said:
Coolioman, most of that is common sense but when NS players scream at me through their crappy microphones about things I don't understand, it really pisses me off. Example: Someone says I should go commander. I do. Within two seconds someone tells me I should be booted off the server because I'm '****ing shit'. I place a spawn point and are kicked from the commanders chair for 'bad placement'. Upon askign why it's badly placed, everyone shouts incomprehensbly (despite my pleading to use text-type because "I can't hear a word you say") and I get kicked off the server.
I remember getting that in Savage... not a good feeling. ;(
What I really hate in NS is when comms yell their orders over crappy mics and never give waypoints. All I have some fuzzy-as-shit voice yelling the names of rooms. The one thing I want more than anything else in NS to have the rooms labelled with their names on the map.
In CS I got alot of h8 for sniping ppl typing, so it's cool that in CoD they have a little "!" when they're busy. Although I'll admit it's rather asuming to put a Kar98 round through their head the moment it disappears :D
Its funny cuse i was playing DC and i decided to watch a noob .Basicly he was running around randomely at first and then went up some stairs wanting to play camper well he sat there real long staring at the iraq spawn while i killed a few people then he saw someone and started shooting like nuts and then tried to snipe a tank with a grenade launcher , ended up killing himself. Also chopper flying noobs are just unbelievable they try to fly upside down in a chopper are they stupid or something? Makes me wonder about the rest of there family and how they even survive.
back in tha day when NS used to be fun.. (1.04 days :p ) i remember the pure stupidity some players displayed.. and so have to agree that noobs (not newbs) are most annoying in NS more than any other mod of HL.

i haven't tried the new NS.. and quite frankly, 2.0 turned me off so badly.. i don't have the desire to go download the new one and give it a chance :|