Naked Pics of me :O


Aug 10, 2004
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Just kidding, but now that you're in here, help me out :)

My comp keeps eating my hard drives.. its pissing me off
Every time i put a new hdd in it, it ends up dead
It won't load windows, wont format, wont do anything
Any idea why? I assume its a mobo problem, but, meh
I don't really feel like buying a new one

Any ideas?
FictiousWill said:
The pics of you naked corrode the platters.
Hm.. so stop with the home-made porn?

Does anyone have any ideas that don't involve me quiting my day job...
How long does it take from it to go from new to expensive paper weight?

My initial guess based on what you've said would be a heat problem, do you have any case fans, is it a small case, etc?

Also, is it screwed directly onto a metal case, cause if the sides aren’t earthed the static build up would fry them.
Touché. Damn it's cool to exchange in genuinely witty repartee.

How are your case temps? Hard drives can and do lock up if they get too hot. If your HD is hot to the point that you feel discomfort when touching it, it needs to cool down. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Something to cause a drive - indeed multiple drives - to refuse to format must be a physical harware issue, I would think.

edit: pickle beat me to it, and static is a good point. Only other thing I can think of would be fan vibration annoying the drive, but that's a big stretch, usually the main cause of case vibration is the HD itself. Do you have any wierd power supply connections, btw? Y-connectors for the molexs? You're not piping three rails worth of power into the drive are you?
Yea, it gets pretty hot
With summer being here my room itself is hot
And when i touch it after its been running it kinda burns

It stops working after a few days, less than a week

I've been too lazy to put it in a slot :|
So its just kinda hanging there, is that bad?

I dont have any fans in my case except for on the cpu and psu ><

Ya think its a fan problem or how i have it in there? Or something else?

(Btw, kewling them off doesnt help, they still remain dead)
Yup that’s your problem, but don’t despair, I had a similar thing happen to me with 2 identical HDs. One still worked after I took it out for a few days and put it back in with a HD cooler then formatted it, the other is perma****ed though. So they might still work.
Some of the fancier drives cut their own power when they sense that they're overheating. Even so I wouldn't reccommend relying on such features as it's a pain in the ass to endure sporadic resets. I would say to get two case fans, one for intake on the front, one for exhaust on the back, and place the drive in a center rack in the case with space both above and below it, preferably in the path of the airflow.
Ikerous said:
I've been too lazy to put it in a slot
So its just kinda hanging there, is that bad?

What? The HD, you leave it lying around? Computer components are susceptible to static, so you should keep them in the anti-static plastic bag they are packaged in. I doubt it would be the root of your problem though, I’ve been careless too but never had any problems. Its really only a big deal if you leave it chip side down lying on a carpet or other highly static surface.
Everyone knows static isn't real. :D
It's made up by people selling those ridiculous wristbands.
PickledGecko said:
What? The HD, you leave it lying around? Computer components are susceptible to static, so you should keep them in the anti-static plastic bag they are packaged in. I doubt it would be the root of your problem though, I’ve been careless too but never had any problems. Its really only a big deal if you leave it chip side down lying on a carpet or other highly static surface.
Yea, it was mostly just kinda hanging there in the case
So it wasnt touching anything that could've conducted static
I just tried using it again, and nothing

It asks what mode i wanna start in, i select normal
And nothing, it just stops. If i choose safe, it loads a few things, then nothing.
Supposed hard drive recovery solution for retreiving files:

Put the drive in the freezer overnight. Boot up and immediately transfer out as much as you can. I've heard it works, from many people.

I've never done it though. Closest I got was with a mate's failed drive, but he insisted on shipping it back to the manufacturer for a free replacement rather than let me freeze it. Never understood that :)
Thats a pretty interesting idea...
Theres nothing on the drive though
Its the second one that did this -_-
I didn't have the heart to re-install everything
Cept now, i dont have any extra drives to put windows on

I have a 200 gig i need to get working
My computer partitioned it for some reason when i was trying to install windows...
So theres a 32 gig partition and a 95 gig partition and windows doesnt recognize the rest
I dont really wanna try anything with it until i figure out why everything keeps dying

What do you suggest i do differently this time?

Tr0n said:
False advertising!
:) If i attached a real pic of ikerous porn, would you click it?

:: PMs Ennui and Tr0n sexy ikerous on Icarus pr0n::