Name my website


Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
I'm in the process of putting together a small website. Its for advertising cars for sale. I'm trying to come up with a clever/catchy name for it, and am suffering a spot of creative block, so I'm asking for any suggestions might kindly provide.

Best I've been able to come up with so far is CarZaar (As in a Bazaar) but I'm not convinced. Halp!
Autotrader sounds catchy and tells the customer what the purpose of your website is. Go for it.
I'm in the process of putting together a small website. Its for advertising cars for sale. I'm trying to come up with a clever/catchy name for it, and am suffering a spot of creative block, so I'm asking for any suggestions might kindly provide.

Best I've been able to come up with so far is CarZaar (As in a Bazaar) but I'm not convinced. Halp!
It would help if you elaborate more on the site.

Is it going to be localised, or national? If you're going for national, I hope you have a lot of money behind you or some radical innovation as you'll never manage to compete with the established sites in the keyword results.

Locally? You're in with a better chance, shouldn't be too hard to come top of keyword rankings. However, you'll be facing a drastic reduction in traffic so I don't see how you could make much money off it.

Either way, it's helpful if the sites address gives people an idea of what you do. Carzaar just screams 'Another imitation car sales website'. Where as '' would rank better and possibily earn better consumer trust.

+smartness points because there is Greek in there.

Brilliant, I know.
Yes, I'm doing something thats been done before, I will almost certainly fail to get any traction and I should give up now. But I enjoy developing web sites, so I'm doing it anyway. :)
Yes, I'm doing something thats been done before, I will almost certainly fail to get any traction and I should give up now. But I enjoy developing web sites, so I'm doing it anyway. :)

As do I, don't let anyone put you off trying. Best of luck.:thumbs:
I reckon autotrader or autobay were pretty good ones.
So make sure you let us know which one of our awesome names you use.
If autotrader doesn't work out for you it looks like is already taken. So you need something that has a .com available or otherwise it won't make much sense.
Reminds me of the Rent-A-Bomb used car business that went around my town for a while, though they copped a lot of flack after 9/11.