Name of South Park episode name!


Oct 3, 2003
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Does anyone know the name of that South Park episode that makes fun of the special edition movies George Lucas and Spielberg make? It has that special edition saving private ryan where the troops storm the beach with walky-talkies instead of guns?!

What's the name of it!
Reaperman said:
erm...... they have names?

Yea theres a title for each one I think, also a 1x01 "name" (season 1 episode 1)

Edit: Im not familiar with any of the names though, try google perhaps?
lmaoi saw that episode... i would have never guessed in a million years it was called free hat though...

if u want a class episode get "good times with weapons", its pr0
which is the one where Butters gets a ninja star in the eye...they stick fur to him and make him a dog :)
you know you can always refernce the official site when you need somehting like this..
aww, i was just hoping someone would go I LOVE THAT ONE, rather than get all factual on me.

'hey wanna get high?'