Nasa World Wind


May 21, 2004
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For those of you who haven't seen this yet, NASA World Wind is a Google Earth-like application which lets you do a lot of very cool things. Aside from being able to view Earth at various levels of detail, you can also see real-time weather imagery and 3D terrain among other things. But here's the really great part - you can also view the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus in detail as well. And there's a large list of add-ons too, including other planets and extra features you can enable. Give it a go!
For those of you who haven't seen this yet, NASA World Wind is a Google Earth-like application which lets you do a lot of very cool things. Aside from being able to view Earth at various levels of detail, you can also see real-time weather imagery and 3D terrain among other things. But here's the really great part - you can also view the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus in detail as well. And there's a large list of add-ons too, including other planets and extra features you can enable. Give it a go!

nice one! but, u also post it's Recommended Specifications, it's sound like it's require .Net.

System Requirements

Windows 2000, or XP
Intel Pentium 3, 1 GHz, or AMD Athlon or higher
256 MB of RAM
3D Graphics Card
See video card compatibility list at
DSL / Cable connection or faster
2 GB of disk space


World Wind benefits most from a video card with 3D acceleration. If you don't know whether your machine comes with one, it is likely to have one built in if the computer was purchased within the past two years. Here is a list of video cards that have been reported to work with World Wind.

World Wind requires that you have .NET runtime environment and DirectX installed. You can download .NET runtime environment and DirectX runtime.

World Wind comes with data you can zoom into. After a certain point, World Wind will begin to download more images automatically. The servers hosting this information are very busy and may be unresponsive until we get the necessary infrastructure.

NASA World Wind leverages Microsoft .NET technology for rapid development and to easily access open standards such as XML, WMS, and other graphics standards. Real-time 3D graphics are driven by DirectX allowing a wide base of compatibility with accelerated video hardware.

Primary data sources come from NASA, and TerraServer-USA of Microsoft Research.
Downloading..the weather option sounds really fkn cool.
2gb for a gorramn virtual planet thingy?!
